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Ep. 309: Top 5 Questions About Christianity - Part 2


31 minutes | Monday, 2 January 2023
It’s not just unbelievers and agnostics who have questions about Christianity. Even those of us who have been believers for years may find ourselves pondering and reflecting on the core elements of Christianity. This week we’re joined by a guest who is no stranger to the podcast, Andy Steiger, President and Founder of Apologetics Canada, to walk us through an open forum he recently held entitled Questioning Christianity. Andy dives beneath the surface to unpack 5 big questions surrounding key topics of Christianity, and brings them to a new light that will leave your faith refreshed and res...
29 minutes | Monday, 26 December 2022
It’s not just unbelievers and agnostics who have questions about Christianity. Even those of us who have been believers for years may find ourselves pondering and reflecting on the core elements of Christianity. This week we’re joined by a guest who is no stranger to the podcast, Andy Steiger, President and Founder of Apologetics Canada, to walk us through an open forum he recently held entitled Questioning Christianity. Andy dives beneath the surface to unpack 5 big questions surrounding key topics of Christianity, and brings them to a new light that will leave your faith refreshed and res...
29 minutes | Monday, 19 December 2022
For most of us, the Christmas season brings about stress, comparison, and, generally, a lack of time and/or money. But is that how we should be approaching it? Should we really be experiencing Christmas this way? On this week’s episode of indoubt, Alexandra Kuykendall joins us to discuss what it means to love Christmas in the context of our actual lives. So often we immediately expect to be stressed out during the holidays because that what we’ve learned to expect. But Isaac and Alexandra encourage us to step outside of our expectations and learn to love our Christmas season, no matter what...
29 minutes | Monday, 12 December 2022
Have you ever wondered why young adults are leaving the church in record numbers? On this episode of indoubt, join our host Isaac as he talks with researcher Rick Hiemstra to discuss this reality, and what we can do to prevent it. With so many young people abandoning their faith, it’s important to understand why it’s happening, and how to combat it, since, if we’re not careful, we will soon be in a world where Christianity is no longer relatable to a younger generation, and generations after us will miss out on hearing and experiencing the truth of Jesus in their lives.
29 minutes | Monday, 5 December 2022
The Bible is one of the most famous books in history. It has been translated into nearly every language in the world, placed in most countries, and most people have some understanding of what is written inside. But with the long history and widespread popularity of the Bible, we need to ask the question: can we actually trust the Bible? Join this week’s guest Wesley Huff as he breaks down what the Bible is, why we can trust it, and how unchanged it has remained since its creation thousands of years ago!
29 minutes | Monday, 28 November 2022
The Bible is one of the most famous books in history. It has been translated into nearly every language in the world, placed in most countries, and most people have some understanding of what is written inside. But with the long history and widespread popularity of the Bible, we need to ask the question: can we actually trust the Bible? Join this week’s guest Wesley Huff as he breaks down what the Bible is, why we can trust it, and how unchanged it has remained since its creation thousands of years ago!
29 minutes | Monday, 21 November 2022
We have all struggled in the battle with sexual sin. We may find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle between self-righteousness when we are managing our temptations well, and then shame when we are not. But how can we escape the grip of sexual sin? This week we are joined by Garrett Kell, pastor and author, to discuss his book Pure in Heart: Sexual Sin and the Promises of God. Garrett reminds us that sexual purity begins in the heart, when we orient our focus on seeking Jesus and desire to be like Him. He also encourages anyone who is struggling with temptations to lean into the grace of God...
29 minutes | Monday, 14 November 2022
Is it more important to be politically correct or to be biblically correct? As Christians, our answer should be simple/automatic but, in a culture that’s easily swayed, offended, or outraged, oftentimes, we get stuck too. On this week’s episode of indoubt, Mark Sayers joins Daniel to discuss what’s going on in our cultural moment. How do we balance what’s relevant with our faith and still remain faithful? What can we do to make a difference? Is there still hope for the future of Christianity, young adults and the local church? You’ll hear all those questions and more talked through on this ...
29 minutes | Monday, 7 November 2022
Yes, our lives are sacred. Yes, we should do our absolute best to preserve our life on earth. But what happens when medical technologies, or medicine, are simply prolonging death instead of preserving life? On this week’s episode of indoubt, we’re joined by author and trauma surgeon, Kathryn Butler, who shares her unique perspective on end-of-life medical care. Isaac and Kathryn discuss how easy it is to blur the lines between life and death with today’s technological advancements and the effects that has on each one of us. Talking through questions like: What is too much suffering? How doe...
29 minutes | Monday, 31 October 2022
It's easy for us living in North America to take for granted what a privilege it is to have the freedom to read our Bibles, attend church services, and practice our Christian beliefs. However, there are millions of Christians around the world who don’t have those rights, and even live under the constant threat of persecution. This week we are joined by Gary Stagg, Executive Director of Open Doors Canada. He walks us through the extent and severity of persecution that many Christians in other nations are facing, as well as the various ways in which Open Doors responds to those in need. Gary ...
29 minutes | Monday, 24 October 2022
Decoding the symbolism and imagery that make up the book of Revelation is challenging. What does it all mean? What is God telling us in this book? This week we are joined by Nancy Guthrie, author and Bible teacher, to discuss her book Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation. Nancy walks us through some of the common mistakes we tend to make when reading scripture, and the importance of understanding the Bible as a complete story. She also unveils the message we are to take away from the book of Revelation and emphasizes its importance and relevance to young adults today. 
29 minutes | Monday, 17 October 2022
In the midst of ordinary people, places, sights, and sounds, how do you worship? Can we still worship in the everyday moments of life? On this week’s episode of indoubt, Ruth Chou Simons joins us to discuss the art of everyday worship. It’s so easy for us to take for granted the things that we see around us each day, but Ruth and Daniel encourage us to linger longer on the beauty that surrounds us. Whether you’re cooking, decorating your home, working, or creating, you can use those things to ultimately glorify God. The question is how will we direct our eyes, hearts, minds, and hands in th...
29 minutes | Monday, 10 October 2022
The social consequences of being a Christian have never been easy. We often face exclusion, mockery and rejection for our beliefs and countercultural worldview. So how can we spread the good news in a society that is largely disinterested in hearing it? In this week’s episode, Elliot Clark joins us to talk about his book Evangelism as Exiles. Elliot addresses the many cultural and social challenges of evangelism in societies today, and inspires us to draw from our reverent fear of the Lord and love of our neighbours to help us persevere when evangelism seems daunting.
29 minutes | Monday, 3 October 2022
The thought of having children is, without a doubt, both terrifying and thrilling at the same time. How can we be sure we are well-equipped to have children? This week we are joined by Bonnie Pue, co-founder of The Union Movement, to walk us through how we can respond to the challenges of parenting. Bonnie offers us encouragement in the journey of parenthood by reminding us that children are to be considered a blessing, and that we are to have faith in God’s provision when times seem impossibly difficult. 
29 minutes | Monday, 26 September 2022
Being on the outside looking in is uncomfortable, and it’s a place where no one really wants to be. You’ll do whatever it takes to fit in and be noticed. You’ll join in on what’s popular, even if it goes against your own beliefs. Or, you’ll stand still, unmoving, paralyzed with the fear that you’re not important or loveable. But what if there’s another way? This week’s guest on indoubt, Kristen Strong, joins us to discuss a third way to belonging – the back road way. By remaining in Christ and relaxing into the unique role that God has for you, we truly find the belonging that we were creat...
29 minutes | Monday, 19 September 2022
Where is God in the midst of suffering? When you come face to face with difficulty, what do you believe, and who do you believe in? On this week’s episode of indoubt, we’re excited to have pastor and best-selling author, David Platt as our guest! David discusses his new book, Something Needs to Change, and his first trip to the Himalayas that rocked his worldview. David has had the opportunity to witness extreme poverty, forcing him to face deep, fundamental questions about faith and life. You’ll hear Isaac and David talk through the spiritual and physical needs of the people he encountered...
29 minutes | Monday, 12 September 2022
Sometimes, the thought of watching an action-packed movie seems more thrilling than sitting down and reading a book. What can we gain by reading? What can literature offer us? This week we are joined by Jessica Hooten Wilson, Visiting Scholar of Liberal Arts at Pepperdine University, to discuss her book The Scandal of Holiness. In this episode, Jessica unpacks the importance of reading books, particularly those that challenge us, to help us develop a grounded and discerning spirit. She also emphasizes how reading is a necessary spiritual discipline that Christians should practice in order t...
29 minutes | Monday, 5 September 2022
Have you ever wondered why having strong theology matters, or if it matters at all? This week are joined by Matthew Crocker, author and Director of Youth at Christ City Church, to discuss his new book Foundations: 100 Days of Devotions through Catechism. In this episode, Matthew walks us through just how useful catechism can be in building a strong theological base of understanding. He also emphasizes how solidifying our Christian worldview can ensure we are well equipped at remaining firm in our faith amid the loud secular worldviews that are constantly thrown our way.  
33 minutes | Monday, 29 August 2022
As Christians, we have all struggled to maintain a purity that is reflective of Christ. We may have repeating sins that we are battling to break free of. How can we deal with the shame, anxiety and negative emotions that accompany the struggle to shed sin? This week we are joined by Brian Walker, Christian counsellor at Anchored Hope, to discuss his article Purity Means Seeing More, Not Less. Brian offers us hope amid our battle with sin in that by turning our eyes to Jesus, we are reminded of our forgiving and restoring Saviour who is near to us during our struggles. 
34 minutes | Monday, 22 August 2022
There is at least one commonality that is shared by all humans, and that is the desire to be happy. But we often search for it in the wrong places, leaving us with nothing more than emptiness, or fleeting happiness that fades as quickly as it comes. How can we find sustained happiness? Where should we search for it? Our guest this week, David Shuman, joins us to discuss his article The Secret to Happiness. David shares inspiring wisdom on how the real source of our joy lies in our creator, and how we can flourish by centering our happiness on Him. He also reveals how we can sustain this joy...
29 minutes | Monday, 15 August 2022
The internet and social media have allowed for a seemingly endless stream of distractions. With everything vying for our attention at once, it can be difficult to fully devote our minds to one thing for an extended period of time. But is this struggle to pay attention really a new problem? Is the internet distancing us from God? This week we are joined by Katie Westenberg to discuss her article Why Our Attention Needs Stewardship. Katie discusses both the good and the bad of what the internet can offer, and also provides insight on how we can slow things down to spend time with the Lord ami...
29 minutes | Monday, 8 August 2022
Have you ever the heard the saying, “Time is money”? In today’s culture, that has never been truer. There are so many things competing for our attention, each demanding something from us – our money, our time, our mindfulness, even our sleep. So, how do we know what to focus on? On this week’s episode of indoubt, Tony Reinke joins us again and this time we’re discussing his new book, Competing Spectacles. By talking through the things that compete for our attention, Isaac and Tony take the time to discuss the ultimate spectacle – Jesus, and how we should be responding to Him daily amidst th...
29 minutes | Monday, 1 August 2022
Every type of technology has pros and cons, which leads to the question: if technology like smartphones, are so bad, why do we even use them? But rather than going to the extreme and giving up on technology completely, Tony Reinke joins us on this episode of indoubt to examine these pros and cons, and ultimately acknowledge that technology isn’t all bad. Tony and Isaac urge us to recognize where we’re misusing our smartphones and how it can actually be a tool to help us flourish. In this episode, you’ll hear them elaborate on ways that our phones are changing us, but also how we, as Christi...
37 minutes | Monday, 25 July 2022
What exactly is Mormonism? This week we are joined again by Bryan Hurlbutt for a deep dive into the topic of Mormonism. In this episode, Bryan walks us through the history of this religion, the key ways in which it differs from Christianity, and closes with how we can evangelize to Mormons and share the true gospel of Jesus Christ that has been revealed to us in the Bible.
29 minutes | Monday, 18 July 2022
What does it really mean to be a disciple? What should discipleship look like? This week we are joined by Bryan Hurlbutt, lead pastor at Lifeline Community church, to walk us through a discipleship structure that, through his experience, honours the true purpose of being a disciple of Jesus. Bryan emphasizes how discipleship is not a one and done accomplishment, but an ongoing journey in our walk with the Lord that we should be continuously growing in at all stages of our lives. 
29 minutes | Monday, 11 July 2022
Do you ever find yourself struggling to escape the grasp of social media on your life? Then you are certainly not alone in that. This week Sarah Zylstra, senior editor of the Gospel Coalition, joins us to discuss the impact of social media on young adults, particularly young adult women. She reminds us of the various detrimental effects social media can have on our relationships, time management, body image and overall mental capacity. Sarah then gives insight on how we can take back the power from social media and ensure we are using it in a Christ-centered manner.  
29 minutes | Monday, 4 July 2022
From Mario Brothers to Fortnite, we’ve seen video games shift from generation to generation, ultimately propelling a $40 billion a year industry. With new trends on the rise every year, video games aren’t going anywhere, and should we want them to? On this week’s episode of indoubt, Kevin Schut joins us to give a Christian perspective on video games. We breakdown the stigmas surrounding them, including violence and antisocial tendencies, asking whether or not Christians should be playing video games at all. At the same time, Kevin and Isaac discuss the positive ways that gaming has grown an...
29 minutes | Monday, 27 June 2022
This episode is more than simply asking: who are you listening to? We really dive into the subject of life-long learning. To join us in this task is Executive Editor at DesiringGod, David Mathis. In addition to being a husband, father, pastor, and editor at DesiringGod, David spends a lot of time writing articles on various subjects of life and faith. In our conversation, he helps set us up so we can engage the news and subjects of this world in a way that ultimately glorifies God. In short, David sets us on the trajectory to become life-long learners.
29 minutes | Monday, 20 June 2022
Like all things in this world, it’s crucial to think biblically, critically, and prayerfully about them. This includes alcohol. Popular blogger and author Tim Challies joins us for a conversation on Christians and alcohol.
29 minutes | Monday, 13 June 2022
Assisted suicide is becoming increasingly accessible. Secular society views this as a humane act to put an end to individuals’ suffering. But what are we, as Christians, to make of it? This week our guest Ewan Goligher, physician and scientist at the University of Toronto, joins us to discuss just that. Ewan shares how intrinsically valuable human life is, as we are all beings created in the image of God. He also reminds us how there is always meaning and purpose in our pain, just as there was when Jesus suffered for our sins on the cross.
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Ep. 309: Top 5 Questions About Christianity - Part 2
In Doubt

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