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Ep. 28: Christian Dating II - The Questions We All Want Answers For


29 minutes | Monday, 6 June 2022
The second in our two-week series on Christian Dating, pastor Grant Fishbook answers some tough question on the subject. Questions like “Can we kiss?” “How long can we be alone?” “When should I bring up marriage?”
29 minutes | Monday, 30 May 2022
Christian Dating: The first in our two-week series on Christian dating, pastor Grant Fishbook gives us biblical principles in regards to pursuing healthy relationships.
29 minutes | Monday, 23 May 2022
We have all experienced pain, trauma, and difficulties at some point in our lives. It is not always easy to leave these struggles behind in the past. How can we escape the bitter grip of a painful past? This week we are joined by Chris Brown, author, pastor, and speaker, to discuss his latest book Restored, where he walks readers through his own journey of moving through the trauma of a rocky childhood. Chris also reveals an important lesson on being stewards of our past, and how we can take the reins on our pain and use it to bring glory to God.
29 minutes | Monday, 16 May 2022
We’ve all had those moments when our Bible reading feels more like a chore rather than an opportunity to deepen our relationship with the Lord. This week Matt Smethurst, former lead editor of TGC and now lead pastor at River City Baptist Church in Virginia, joins us to discuss his book “Before You Open Your Bible: 9 heart postures for approaching God’s Word”. In this discussion of these 9 heart postures, we are reminded of just how privileged we are to have access to His word, and Matt gives us insight that helps us approach our Bible humbly and graciously.
29 minutes | Monday, 9 May 2022
Many of us have that one, go-to Bible verse we reflect on during hard times. But what about having a number of go-to verses for the different seasons we endure in life? This week Lee Brubacher, worship director at WestHighland Church and author of the article “Entering my Multiverse” joins us to talk about the multiple verses he has relied on for the different periods of difficulty in his life. In this discussion, we are reminded of the comfort and encouragement we receive when we seek counsel in God’s word.
29 minutes | Monday, 2 May 2022
In an increasingly secular society, it is not uncommon for the topic of faith as it pertains to Jesus to raise eyebrows. Why would anyone follow Jesus? This week we are joined by guest Ray Comfort to discuss just that as he walks us through his latest book entitled “Why Would Anyone Follow Jesus?”. Ray is the founder and CEO of Living Waters, and author of many books. He enlightens us to the core reasons why individuals doubt Jesus and His Word. He also equips us with powerful tools for evangelism and closes with insight on how to stay grounded in our faith when facing the inevitable challe...
29 minutes | Monday, 25 April 2022
The last two years amid the covid-19 pandemic have certainly left a huge impact on us all. But what does this impact look like for young adults? Vinh Doan, young adult pastor at Northview Church, joins us this week to discuss the long-term difficulties young adults are facing as we begin to move out of a two-year long pandemic. Issues of depression, anxiety, insecurity, and uncertainty are all discussed, and Vinh closes with a message of hope to inspire and encourage those who may be navigating these struggles. 
29 minutes | Monday, 18 April 2022
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is undoubtedly the most significant event in history for Christians. It is through faith that we believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins and accept him as our Saviour. But did you know there also exists compelling objective evidence for the resurrection? This week, with Daniel Markin as our host, we are joined by George Sinclair, Rector of Church of the Messiah in Ottawa and Principal of Ryle Seminary, to discuss his article “10 Concise Pieces of Evidence for the Resurrection”. In their conversation they touch on the significance of the four...
29 minutes | Monday, 11 April 2022
We are all deeply troubled by the crisis currently taking place in Ukraine. As young adults, it can be difficult to know how to help, especially if we are unable to provide significant financial support. This week, our guest Jason Krul, international director of Hungry for Life, describes the humanitarian efforts made by this organization to provide both spiritual and physical relief for nations in need. In this discussion, Jason zeros in on what they are doing to help Ukraine specifically, how they establish a position in a foreign country to provide help, and also lists a number of ways y...
29 minutes | Monday, 4 April 2022
Isn’t it a little weird to think that the oldest Millennials are now approaching their forties? It’s true. The youngest generation is no longer the Millennials, but Gen-Z. Gen-Zers are born roughly between 1999 and 2015. Are they like Millennials? In some ways, yes. But in other ways, no. With us this week to help us know more about Gen-Zers, how they differ from Millennials, and how Millennials can best engage Gen-Zers with the gospel, is author and speaker Jonathan Morrow.
29 minutes | Monday, 28 March 2022
“Stories are the language God wired our hearts to speak.” Singer-songwriter and author Andrew Peterson joins us this week to talk about art and why Christians who don’t consider themselves artists, need artists. Whether or not you think of yourself as someone who is creative (which you are), you’ll benefit from this important conversation.
29 minutes | Monday, 21 March 2022
How’s faith in Canada? Some studies have come out in the past few years that look into some specifics when it comes to the general attitudes and beliefs in Canada. It’s a privilege to have Executive Director of The Gospel Coalition Canada, Wyatt Graham, with us this week to discuss some of those findings and how the church can best respond. For example, why are we seeing young people more interested in Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy today? Why are liberal/progressive churches shrinking? Join us for this week’s conversation.
33 minutes | Monday, 14 March 2022
How can we effectively evangelize Gen-Z? How can we equip the younger generations to spread the gospel? This week we are joined by Shaila Visser, National Director of Alpha Canada, to help us better understand how to approach evangelism with Gen-Z. She also walks us through some of the generational differences between millennials and Gen-Z, and discusses the importance of planting seeds whose fruit may not be seen for many years to come.
29 minutes | Monday, 7 March 2022
The word “worship” usually brings up ideas of religion and gods. But the reality is, all of us, no matter who or what we believe, worship – every day. We look to ourselves, others, objects, and many other things as worthy of our time, devotion, money, and honour. In fact, we were made to worship – our hearts are wired that way. This week we chat with worship leader and author Bob Kauflin. He defines Christian worship, helps us cultivate a worshipful heart, and answers our question, “If we don’t agree with a song theologically on a Sunday service, should we still sing it?”
36 minutes | Monday, 28 February 2022
How can we live a life devoted to Christ amid an increasingly political society? Special guest Bruce Clemenger, president of Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, joins us today to help navigate how we can maintain unity in Christ as clashes between politics and faith arise. Bruce also dissects the intricate relationships between the Church, the state, faith, and politics, and discusses how we can approach issues of freedom, vaccinations, restrictions, choice, and conscience from a biblical perspective
35 minutes | Monday, 21 February 2022
What does it really mean to be human? Society has reduced what it truly means to be alive down to simply “not dying”. Today we are joined again by special guest Andy Steiger, president of Apologetics Canada, to walk us through the key differences between living and flourishing. He also dives into how this topic relates to many of the current cultural and societal issues surrounding individualism, freedom, and pandemic-related fear. Tune in to discover Andy’s biblically inspired, thought-provoking ideas that aim to challenge how we rank our life priorities.
29 minutes | Monday, 14 February 2022
Many Christians claim that Christianity is exclusive – and we believe that to be the truth. But what exactly does that mean? Are there different aspects to it? With us to walk through the exclusivity of Christianity is Derek Rishmawy. Not only do we talk with Derek about the basic understanding of this truth, but why it can be hard to swallow.
44 minutes | Monday, 7 February 2022
Pastor and author Kyle Idleman joins us this week to discuss his newest book One At A Time. He challenges us as Christians to see those around us in the same way that Jesus would, with care and compassion. He also calls us to always be on the lookout for that one person with whom we can connect and show the love of Jesus to.
29 minutes | Monday, 31 January 2022
What do Jen Hatmaker, Brian McLaren, Rob Bell, Bart Ehrman, and many others have in common? They’ve, in some form or another, deconverted from their once “evangelical” Christian faith. We know this because they’ve publicly made it known. Now, they probably wouldn’t call it a “deconversion” story, but nevertheless, they’ve taken to the blog-podcast-video-internet world to make their stories known. Now, it’s in their stories that we find a kind of outline – a few points that they seem to hit on. We have with us this week author and professor Dr. Michael Kruger to help us see the plot line of ...
29 minutes | Monday, 24 January 2022
What’s the Bible in one sentence? It can be easy to view the Bible as a variety of writings that are put together without a pattern or purpose. But, this is not the case at all. The Bible, we find, tells one unifying story with one purpose. This week we look at what this story is, how it can be summed up in one sentence, and how we can shape our lives around it. We’re thankful to have pastor Jonathan Neufeld with us to walk us through the Bible’s story.
29 minutes | Monday, 17 January 2022
Many of the letters written to the early church are split into two parts: the theology and then how that theology looks like in real life. Christian ethics seeks to answer the question, “What does all of the Bible say about how to engage ____ in real life?” With us, this week is world-renowned theologian Wayne Grudem who’s just written a brand new book that gives an introduction (quite a large one) to biblical moral reasoning. Many of us have instinctual feelings that some things are wrong and some are right, but Wayne helps clarify why those things are right or wrong. In our conversation, ...
29 minutes | Monday, 10 January 2022
What is a Christian theology of speech? God has given us the ability to speak. And if we are anything like our God (and Genesis 1:26-27 says we are), then our words have power. Not power like God’s words have, but a powerful influence – either for good or bad. Joining us is Vancouver-based pastor Brett Landry, who helps us understand a general theology of Christian speech and how to confront friends when you know what your group is saying isn’t life-giving. Brett also helps us consider the topic of swearing as Christians.
29 minutes | Monday, 3 January 2022
Are you living in a ‘stupid normal’? Here’s the long and the short of it: we, as human beings, are created for God. Because of this, we long for significance and joy. However, today’s culture has removed “God” from their thinking, resulting in a ‘stupid normal’ lifestyle that doesn’t acknowledge God at all. The irony is, we’re only going to find our significance and joy when we find it in God through Christ. Jonathan Parnell, author of Never Settle for Normal: the Proven Path to Significance and Happiness, joins us this week to help us get from ‘stupid normal’ to living in the satisfied lif...
29 minutes | Monday, 27 December 2021
Phil Callaway is a prolific author, speaker, and radio host of Laugh Again. Phil has a gift for storytelling and helping people rediscover the hope and joy that can be found in a daily walk with Jesus. Join Phil and indoubt host Daniel as they discuss the need for hope in challenging days, particularly as we enter the Christmas season.
29 minutes | Monday, 20 December 2021
It’s the week before Christmas, and people may be thinking What’s Christmas all about anyway? To help answer this on a very logical level is popular Christian apologist Sean McDowell. Sean helps show us how we can believe in the historical Jesus – that He really lived, died, and rose again. He also encourages us to remember to evangelize during this season.
29 minutes | Monday, 13 December 2021
When you read the Christmas story in your Bible, what are you reading? So often we’ll say Luke or Matthew – and that’s not wrong! But there’s a bigger picture to the whole of it. And on this week’s episode of indoubt, we’re joined by Ross Breitkreuz to discuss just that – the entire Christmas story, beginning with Adam and Eve. Daniel and Ross challenge each of us to understand that Christmas doesn’t just start in the New Testament and with the birth of Jesus. And, you’ll hear both Daniel and Ross as they encourage us to take time over this holiday season to look at the full, seamless story...
29 minutes | Monday, 6 December 2021
This week Dr. Marina Hofman joins Daniel to provide great insights into the life and calling of Mary. They also examine Mary’s response and consider how we all need to respond when God calls us for his purpose. 
29 minutes | Monday, 29 November 2021
Why is it important today that the whole Bible, including the Old Testament, speaks to the death and resurrection of Jesus? Why does it matter? Why put in the effort to see Christ in the Old Testament? With us this week is hip-hop artist and author Timothy Brindle, who’s spent years studying this. And since he’s an artist, he decided to not just write a book about his findings, but to write a correlating album with it. The Unfolding speaks to the unfolding plan of God seen in the Bible. In addition to this, Timothy helps explain and apply the often-confused Jeremiah 29:11.
29 minutes | Monday, 22 November 2021
One of the most important yet forgotten issues that we know in our Christian life is this: friendship. It’s almost as if we think it’s so easy that we don’t really talk about it or emphasize it when we preach the Word. The reality is, friendship is crucial. In fact, it’s the only relationship that continues when we get to heaven. To help us understand what biblical friendship is (not just superficial relationships), we chat with pastor and counsellor at Parkside Church in Ohio, Jonathan Holmes. Our conversation hones in on how we’re relational beings, what biblical friendship is, and how to...
29 minutes | Monday, 15 November 2021
On this episode of Indoubt, Daniel speaks with Daryl Dash. Daryl is the author of How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to All of Life. He is also a pastor. Daryl speaks about relevance in relation to church and culture. How do we remain relevant within our culture? The goal is to bring the gospel to people without conformity while remaining relevant. 
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Ep. 28: Christian Dating II - The Questions We All Want Answers For
In Doubt

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