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In Doubt

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1 hour 5 minutes | Monday, 24 July 2023
Yoga is a discipline that many have incorporated into their routines, focusing on its physical benefits while overlooking its spiritual risks. As Christians, should we be so quick to push aside the spiritual risks? Is yoga something that can be safely practiced by Christian believers? The answer might surprise you! Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Dr. Chris Berg to conclude our four-week series on Spiritual Things with the discussion of yoga, its roots, what it was originally designed to do and the danger of partaking in its practices.
1 hour 16 minutes | Monday, 17 July 2023
The new age movement can sometimes look obvious, and sometimes it subtly creeps into our lives and church communities undetected. For years we’ve seen the presence of horoscopes, astrology, crystal balls and many other practices that are extremely harmful. Did you know that the enneagram also fits in this category? There are many similarities between astrology and the enneagram which has been a very subtle but powerful movement within the church. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with ex astrologer Marcia Montenegro to unpack all things new age including how the enneagram has made t...
53 minutes | Monday, 10 July 2023
Manifesting is becoming a more and more popular spiritual practice that many people are dabbling with these days. The reality is, it’s unbiblical. We can’t manifest our lives. What is manifesting? How is it infiltrating the church? Are there similarities between manifesting and the name it and claim it theology that we find in the prosperity movement? Join host Andrew Marcus as he continues our series on SPIRITUAL THINGS with special guest Jen Pollock Michel as they unpack manifesting and why it is dangerous to engage with its practices.
1 hour 2 minutes | Monday, 3 July 2023
The Enneagram is a movement that has taken the church by storm. It is becoming more and more popular as many Christian leaders are adopting its teaching and incorporating its theology from the pulpit. There are many Christian Enneagram books being published today with tips on how we can incorporate the enneagram with our marriages, church leadership and basically Christian living. The question is: are you aware of its origins? Do we really understand what we are dabbling with? Is it safe for believers to engage with it? Join host Andrew Marcus as he dives deep with Dr. Chris Berg to unpack ...
1 hour 6 minutes | Monday, 26 June 2023
We don’t have to look far to realize that Christians today are exiles in a hostile culture. What’s right is declared wrong and what’s wrong is not only good, but celebrated and encouraged. Every day, we see opportunities to compromise and put the truths of Scripture aside. Whether it is earthly wealth and health, temptations to give in to sin, our fears or our apathy. As believers we are called to obey God, and obeying God takes us down a different path. Rather than compromise, we are called to stand firm on the Word of God and to share that truth with those God places in our spheres of inf...
1 hour 19 minutes | Monday, 19 June 2023
Toxic masculinity. These are buzz words in today’s culture. News articles with headlines that say, “Why Can’t We Hate Men?” And “Are Men Necessary?” And don’t forget the trending hashtag #killallmen. How did this happen? How on earth did we get here? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends some time with Bestselling author Nancy Pearcey as she unpacks her new book The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes. This is a big topic in today’s culture and so it is critical for us as believers to understand the truths of Scripture when it comes to masculinity and the signific...
56 minutes | Monday, 12 June 2023
The Word of God is the most life-giving book ever written. It is living and active, filled with truth, insight, hope and wisdom on how we ought to live our lives in light of all that Christ has done for us. In John chapter 4, we see the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. There are so many elements to unpack in this story, and The Well, a women’s ministry based in Canada, is helping women of all ages dive deep into the story and unpack the truths found in it and how it applies to us today. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Malissa MacWilliams and Nicole Martens,...
1 hour 3 minutes | Monday, 5 June 2023
It is an unfortunate reality that the prosperity gospel is prospering. Many people in the pews fall in love with the message that tells them the more you give, the more you get. Prosperity preachers continue to take passages of Scripture out of context to tickle the ears of their listeners into thinking that they can be healthy and wealthy when they financially sow seeds of faith to their ministries. We’ve looked long and hard throughout the Bible, and we just can’t seem to find any evidence of this teaching. Join host Andrew Marcus with his pastor and dear friend Brent Smith as they talk t...
1 hour 5 minutes | Monday, 29 May 2023
The statistics are not pretty. Pornography continues to be a big problem and it seems like the ages of people struggling with porn addiction decreases as the percentage of users increase. There is hope! It’s not all doom and gloom. Join host Andrew Marcus as he connects with Shawn Bonneteau from Deep Clean, an incredible ministry that offers one on one coaching, group coaching and a wide variety of resources to help those addicted break FREE! Jump into their conversation as they unpack the reality that there is hope for freedom. Freedom exists. You may not think there’s a way out, but there...
60 minutes | Monday, 22 May 2023
Anxiety, depression, panic attacks… these are just some of the topics that have become common language shared among many young people today as they describe their current mental and emotional state. If you are wrestling with any of these, you are not alone! Mental health issues continue to rise and many counsellors are fully booked with no room for new patients. It’s a real problem that we need to address. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with registered Psychologist Dr. Rami Nader as they unpack mental health issues and practical tools we can use to help us deal with life’s every ...
49 minutes | Monday, 15 May 2023
Have you ever felt a prompting on your heart to do something for God that seemed a bit outrageous? The reality is, the more we spend time in prayer and fellowship with God, the more we are able to distinguish His voice, and the more we hear Him, the more we are able to be used by Him for His glory. Being on mission starts with a heart hungry for God, His Word and a life of prayer. Join host Andrew Marcus on this very special Mother’s Day episode where he sits with his mom Margo Marcus to talk about her mother’s journey, the story of the obedience of a simple missionary named Mabel Dean, and...
50 minutes | Monday, 8 May 2023
In today’s world, loving your neighbour seems impossible since no one can actually afford a home. What does it mean to love our neighbours well? Does it go beyond the person next door? What does it look like to be hospitable and create a welcoming environment when we live in a tiny dorm room? Join host Andrew Marcus with Liberty University student Santiago Frank as they discuss the reality that loving our neighbours and being hospitable have nothing to do with owning a home or having a place to welcome people in, as they walk through his latest article on The Gospel Coalition called, “Young...
50 minutes | Monday, 8 May 2023
In today’s world, loving your neighbour seems impossible since no one can actually afford a home. What does it mean to love our neighbours well? Does it go beyond the person next door? What does it look like to be hospitable and create a welcoming environment when we live in a tiny dorm room? Join host Andrew Marcus with Liberty University student Santiago Frank as they discuss the reality that loving our neighbours and being hospitable have nothing to do with owning a home or having a place to welcome people in as they walk through his latest article on The Gospal Coalition called, “Young ...
1 hour 9 minutes | Monday, 1 May 2023
Ok, so what is transhumanism? I mean every time we type it out we see the red squiggly lines underneath the word like we’ve made a typo. Well, transhumanism is a real thing, and its ideology is growing fast. Artificial Intelligence? ChatGPT? Brain chips? Gene modification? Are these things actually happening? This is not a science fiction book. It’s only a matter of time before those red squiggly lines will be removed from the term and it will be the new normal. But what is transhumanism? Is there a danger for believers to engage with it? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends some time with ...
57 minutes | Monday, 24 April 2023
Cancel Culture is all the rage these days. And we don’t use the term rage lightly. People have lost the sense of patience and grace with one another. It’s evident that if you say something against culture, you will immediately be excommunicated. The Bible talks about something similar as believers are called to avoid certain people. Join host Andrew Marcus as he connects with David Schuman, pastor at Exilic Church in Manhattan as they unpack the reality that 2023 will be a challenging year for believers, and how believers are called to stand firm on the truth and possibly avoid certain peop...
57 minutes | Monday, 17 April 2023
If you haven’t heard of the food pyramid, google it. In essence, it is a diagram that helps identify the healthy foods we should be eating and the unhealthy foods that we should be eating in moderation. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Brett McCracken from The Gospel Coalition as they discuss his latest book The Wisdom Pyramid. No it’s not a pyramid scheme. Enjoy the interview as they discuss the dangers of the social media world and also some of it’s benefits as we try to tackle what a healthy spiritual diet looks like in today’s technologically advanced world where we are bo...
1 hour 14 minutes | Monday, 10 April 2023
In today’s culture, many young people are terrified of commitment. Marriage is too overwhelming. And don’t even mention the idea of kids. Young married couples have many fears in the thought of having children. Aren’t they too expensive? What if we simply can’t afford it? What if I fail as a parent? The reality is, many of us have had challenging upbringings or genuine reasons to be concerned, but we believe God is bigger than your biggest fears. Join host Andrew Marcus with founders of The Union Movement Bryan and Bonnie Pue as they unpack all things marriage and children!  
1 hour 4 minutes | Monday, 3 April 2023
In the Western world, we celebrate Christmas far more than we celebrate Easter. Did you know that less than 5% of the Gospel accounts talk about the birth and 1/3 talks about Passion week? It seems like we’ve got it all backwards. Join host Andrew Marcus as he sits with Dr. John Neufeld from Back To The Bible Canada as they walk through all that took place during passion week and listen in as they unpack the dangers of western culture’s diminishing emphasis on the most life-changing moment that has ever taken place in history. 
54 minutes | Monday, 27 March 2023
There has been a quote floating around for many years that says, “Preach the Gospel at all times; when necessary, use words.” This quote has been shared by many Christians with good intentions, but there are some problems with it. The main problem is this: it’s just not biblical. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends some time with author and pastor Matt Smethurst as they discuss 5 tools to help you become evangelism ready and how it is absolutely crucial to use words! Tune in and learn how we can better prepare ourselves to share our faith boldly and confidently!
49 minutes | Monday, 20 March 2023
LOL! In case you don’t know what that means, it stands for “Laugh Out Loud!” Join Andrew Marcus as he sits with Phil Callaway from Laugh Again to talk about the importance of laughter, and how true joy in Christ changes everything in your life! Just because Phil is a humorist doesn’t mean his life has always been easy. We sit with Phil and talk about some of the challenges he’s gone through and how having an attitude of gratitude is essential to getting through those challenges!
49 minutes | Monday, 13 March 2023
A big debate about the Bible is that it is just a story. That it is basically writings that only contain symbolism or allegorical writings. Were Adam and Eve real people? Or are they just a symbol of humanity? What about Noah and the ark? Did Jonah really live in the belly of a fish for three days before God made the fish puke him out? Don’t even get started on the book of Revelation!! Join Andrew Marcus with pastor Brent Smith from Riverside Calvary Chapel as they unpack how the Scriptures can be trusted as absolute truth.
45 minutes | Monday, 6 March 2023
Influential? Who? Me? Yes! Gen Z’s are on a mission for mentors and answers to life’s big questions. Guess who they are more likely going to turn to for it? YOU!  No matter how old you are there is always someone younger that you can connect with on a deeper level. For their sake and yours! If you are a young adult, whether you like it or not, they are looking to you for wisdom, encouragement and someone to journey through life with. So to sum it all up: if you are a young adult, you are an influencer.
45 minutes | Monday, 27 February 2023
Have you heard of the hit series THE CHOSEN? Maybe you are one of the millions of people who have engaged with it. Maybe not. Either way, we dive into the show with the co-creator Amanda Jenkins to talk about how it was birthed from a really challenging season, how God used their brokenness to reveal His grace on their lives, and how it’s impacting viewers around the world. But is it biblically accurate? Is it something that substitutes our daily Bible reading? We dive in to all that and more!
57 minutes | Monday, 20 February 2023
Many people have become too comfortable with their new reality of church: alone in the comfort of their own home, wearing their PJ’s with a stack of pancakes and a fresh coffee. The question is: is that actually church? Join our host Andrew Marcus as he spends some time with Kamloops Alliance Church’s lead pastor Chris Throness as they unpack what biblical community ought to look like. Spoiler alert: neither online church nor the heavy emphasis on our Sunday morning experience might be the right answer.
1 hour 3 minutes | Monday, 13 February 2023
Happy 11th birthday to INDOUBT! Although THE INDOUBT SHOW is new, we’ve had an incredible history of resourcing young people over the past 11 years. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with the founder of INDOUBT Mike Cumiskey, as well as other hosts in the past including Isaac Dagneau, Ryan McCurdy and Daniel Markin as they talk about what’s new in their lives, their passion for INDOUBT, and how important it is for us to be grounded on truth! 
58 minutes | Monday, 6 February 2023
If you haven’t been aware of this reality, it might be shocking. People are leaving the Church and their faith altogether at an alarming rate. Why is it happening and what can we do to not be a part of the statistic? It’s been said that, “what you win them with is what you win them to.” Dr. John Neufeld from Back to the Bible Canada joins host Andrew Marcus to talk about the greatest reset that needs to take place in the Church. Now more than ever, we need to be grounded on absolute truth found only in the Word of God.
29 minutes | Monday, 30 January 2023
Join Isaac and pastor, author, and podcaster Tim Elmore as they sit down and talk about doubt. Often, we see doubt, especially in regard to faith, as a bad thing. But Tim and Isaac discuss why doubt isn’t always bad, and can actually be a healthy thing! When we go through periods of doubt in our faith in God, is that just highlighting our lack of faith? This is a great conversation that is beneficial to any follower of Christ- whether you’ve been a Christian for 50 years or 5 days- doubt always seems to creep into our lives- so how do we manage it?
29 minutes | Monday, 23 January 2023
Why is it that so many people today get offended easily, even going out of their way to find something to be offended about? At times, it feels like you can’t share even the mildest opinion for fear that someone around you will get upset. This week, Isaac is going to be speaking with pastor and author Scott Sauls about just that, the prevalence of outrage culture in our society today. Whether it was a tweet or Facebook post from 10 seconds or 10 years ago, we as a society seem to take pleasure in tearing down anyone who says anything we disagree with, even if that means taking things out of...
29 minutes | Monday, 16 January 2023
Singleness is a calling. Singleness is a gift. But how often do we actually think of it like that and not the opposite? Jon Tyson joins us this week on indoubt to break down the stigma surrounding singleness in today’s culture. Looking at the different examples of singleness and marriage in our culture, in our churches, and in our own lives, Jon and Daniel talk through some of the ideas surrounding our relationship statuses and discuss how we can embrace our season of singleness, or the single people around us. Jon offers a healthy, biblical perspective on your season of singleness, and how...
29 minutes | Monday, 9 January 2023
Canada’s political culture seems to be changing. Where it was once a place where all could freely express their faith, it is now becoming increasingly difficult to do so. What has changed about Canada’s political culture that is making it difficult for people of faith? This week we are joined by Bruce Clemenger, author and president of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, to walk us through his new book, The New Orthodoxy: Canada’s Emerging Civil Religion. Bruce gives us a brief overview of the history of Canada’s statecraft, and also expands upon the biases in our current government that ...
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In Doubt

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