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In Doubt

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Quality of Life in Singleness, Dating, Marriage, & Parenting w/ Cliff & Erin Ursel


1 hour 17 minutes | Monday, 19 February 2024
There are so many different life stages that we can prepare for before we walk through them. It’s important to plan ahead as best as we can even though there are certain unknowns that go before us. In today’s program, host Andrew Marcus gets to spend time with longtime friends Cliff and Erin Ursel, pastors at Westside Church in Vancouver, and unpack all stages of life: singleness, dating, engagement, marriage and raising kids. 
1 hour 12 minutes | Monday, 12 February 2024
You don’t have to look far to see that many people are struggling as we head into 2024. With the cost of living constantly rising, the talk and rumours of war, the advancement of technology happening at an alarming rate, it is easy to get overwhelmed by what seems to be chaos!! Join INDOUBT’s host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Luke Friesen, Northview Church’s high school pastor, as they lean into finding hope in the midst of hardship. 
1 hour 1 minute | Monday, 5 February 2024
Prayer is such a crucial part of a believer’s life. When we study the Word and hear testimonies from believers, it doesn’t take long to realize how foundational prayer ought to be in our lives. Often times prayer is a shopping list of all the things we want God to do for us. Is there a wrong way to pray? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with managing editor of The Gospel Coalition’s Megan Hill as they discuss the importance of prayer and walk through practical ways to stir up a hunger for more prayer in your life.
1 hour 6 minutes | Monday, 29 January 2024
We’ve heard debates about whether it is biblical to have a large mega church or a small house church. Now more than ever we need to put our preferences aside and join together with doctrinally sound communities as one Church, cheering each other on rather than trying to compete for who’s the best or the biggest. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with his dear friend Brett Landry, pastor of Christ City Church, as they unpack what it looks like to reach your community for Christ. 
52 minutes | Monday, 22 January 2024
The Gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to change and transform your life, and as believers we have the task of testifying the Good News! It has been our mission with INDOUBT to provide resources to equip you with the truths found in Scripture as you navigate life, faith and culture. Join Isaac Dagneau and Daniel Markin (former hosts of THE INDOUBT SHOW) as they recall on some transformative stories they’ve heard and experienced during their walk of faith! Explore the concept of finding freedom in Christ and the importance of proclaiming and living out the gospel in our everyday lives!
59 minutes | Monday, 15 January 2024
Over the past few years we’ve been hearing people talk about their own personal truths. If their truths differ from another’s, well that’s okay, because everyone is allowed to have their own truth right? But this begs the question: if that’s the case, then what actually is truth? Can everything be true? Do all paths lead to truth? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Apologetics Canada’s Alberta Director, Steve Kim, as they spend time in the studio together unpacking truth and how to navigate today’s cultural moment “where all truth is true.” 
1 hour 1 minute | Monday, 8 January 2024
Sexuality, identity and relationships are some major topics of discussion amongst many young adults. It is a growing concern to see what the world is saying yes and amen to. How do we navigate these major issues and stand firm on God’s truth while being gracious and loving? THE INDOUBT SHOW had the privilege of linking arms with Bryan and Bonnie Pue from The Union Movement for their first UNION Conference! Join Andrew Marcus as he hosts the Q&A portion of the conference, asking Pastor Jim Anderson and Focus on the Family’s video production manager Jonathan Bryden tough questions on sexualit...
54 minutes | Monday, 1 January 2024
HAPPY NEW YEAR! It’s that time of year where we sit down, reflect on 2023 and start making some New Year’s resolutions for 2024! Let’s be honest with ourselves though. When is the last time you followed through on your resolutions? What does it look like to set Godly goals for yourself for 2024? How do we incorporate spiritual disciplines? How do we make plans for an uncertain future? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Pastor Brent Smith from Riverside Calvary Chapel as they unpack a biblical perspective on goal setting. 
12 minutes | Monday, 25 December 2023
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Today looks a bit different! We are all at home with our families, friends and loved ones this Christmas celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus! So with that being said, we don’t have a full episode today! We pray you take this holiday season to rest, dwell, observe and intentionally slow down to make room for Christ this Christmas! Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends a few moments today unpacking some of his big takeaways leading up to Christmas morning this year!
52 minutes | Monday, 18 December 2023
The Advent calendar is more than just a chocolate countdown, but a beautiful opportunity to slowly reflect on the Christmas story. The Advent season is filled with such rich tradition that helps us remind ourselves the significance of the season. But what do the candles during Advent mean? Was Jesus really born in December? Join our friend and previous host Daniel Markin as he comes back for a special episode where he spends time with his dad, Johnny Markin, to explore the richness of this season! 
56 minutes | Monday, 11 December 2023
Christmas is far greater than the cultural celebration that we’ve made it throughout the years. It is a time for us to pause, slow down and intentionally rest in the promises and hope we have in Christ. When we do this, we are blessed! When we don’t take the time to reflect on the theological reality of the season, we truly miss the Good News! Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Jared C. Wilson as they unpack the beautiful truths of this season and how it can deeply impact your life. 
1 hour 3 minutes | Monday, 4 December 2023
Every Christmas, we seem to revisit the conversation of how the season has become over commercialized. We are bombarded with ads to buy the next thing as we’ve failed to focus our attention on Christ. Well here’s the reality: God wired us to be people who consume. And if that is the case, not all consumption is bad. But like anything, boundaries are important! Join host Andrew Marcus with his good friend Pastor Andy Frew from Crossridge Church as they unpack practical resources and a biblical perspective on how we can best lead our families this Christmas! 
43 minutes | Monday, 27 November 2023
You have heard people say before, “I am not into theology, I just love Jesus.” There is often this battle within us as we journey with Christ to see which is more important between theology and experience. The head and the heart. But should they be at war against each other? Or do they work together? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time Scott Tolhurst, Director of Ministry Communications at Back to the Bible Canada, where they unpack how deepening our theology does, in fact, enhance our intimate relationship with the Lord.
1 hour 5 minutes | Monday, 20 November 2023
The New Testament is flooded with the language that once we confess our sins and declare that Jesus is Lord, we are now “in Christ.” What does it actually mean to be in Christ? This is an earth shattering reality that will change your life forever if you truly understand and live out this truth! Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with lead pastor (and former host of INDOUBT) Isaac Dagneau as they unpack this beautiful reality for us as believers that is sure to give you a new sense of hope and peace!
54 minutes | Monday, 13 November 2023
It is becoming increasingly popular to hear the word “bigot” in today’s culture, especially one who tries to live in a way that honours the Lord. The reality is, the more Christians stand on the truths of Scripture, the more we are going to look like we are coming against the ways of the world. How can Christians balance the need to address bigotry and misconceptions about Christianity while also maintaining a respectful and harmonious environment everywhere they go? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Kaitlin Febles from Chick Fil A to discuss how we can be salt and light in a w...
1 hour 15 minutes | Monday, 6 November 2023
We often hear people use the term “karma.” The idea that good things happen when you do good, and bad things happen to you in response to your negative actions. Karma is very closely connected to Buddhism, but in the western world, we view karma (and Buddhism for that matter) with different lenses than those devoted to the religion in other parts of the world. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with our ministry friend Steve Kim from Apologetics Canada as we unpack the history of Buddhism, their theology and how we as Christians can love them and point them to the truths found in Scr...
1 hour 6 minutes | Monday, 30 October 2023
There has been a long history between Roman Catholics and Protestants when it comes to theology and interpreting the Scriptures. There are similarities between both Roman Catholics and Protestants, but here’s the question: Are there differences? And if there are differences, are they major or minor ones? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with author and professor Gregg R. Allison as they unpack the reality that although Roman Catholics and Protestants use the same terms, we may be using different dictionaries. 
1 hour 10 minutes | Monday, 23 October 2023
We have heard it said before that Mormonism is a denomination within the Christian faith. Is this truly the reality? If so, why are they on a mission to convert other Christians? In our new series “World Religions Unraveled”, we do a deep dive into the history of Mormonism and study their core beliefs. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with author and lead pastor of Crossroads Church, Matthew Emadi, as they unpack Mormonism’s main theological points and compare them to those in the Christian faith. 
1 hour 7 minutes | Monday, 16 October 2023
Often times on our journeys, we get distracted by ditches that hinder us from living out a life of faith and obedience. Legalism and license are two of the easiest pitfalls that we are tempted to fall into as believers. What are these ditches and what can we do to avoid them? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Pastor Lee Francois from Crossridge church as they unpack not only the dangers of legalism and license, but also the beauty and liberty that we find in Christ! 
1 hour 19 minutes | Monday, 9 October 2023
The book of Proverbs is known to be filled with wisdom to help its readers engage with their culture, avoid pitfalls and traps from the enemy, and live in peace and godliness amongst one's community. Fun fact: Did you know that the book of Proverbs was mainly written for young people? If that is the case (which it is), then as a young adults' podcast, we want to take time to do a deep dive! Join host Andrew Marcus as he sits down with theologian, professor, and Bible teacher Ivan De Silva to walk through the book of Proverbs and see how it is incredibly relevant for today's culture.
58 minutes | Monday, 2 October 2023
Raising kids can be a terrifying thought for some of us. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy! It’s okay to be scared! The reality is, children are a blessing from God and bring so much joy to our homes. That being said, they are a huge responsibility. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with our dear friend Phil Callaway from Laugh Again as they talk about what it’s like raising kids in today’s culture and how we can play a role in helping point them to Christ every day. 
1 hour 4 minutes | Monday, 25 September 2023
We’ve often heard it said that it is important to be evenly yoked. That Christians should marry other Christians - but why? Is this a recommendation from worried parents, or a biblical mandate that we should follow? What about dating a non believer? What about living with your significant other before marriage? Join host Andrew Marcus as he connects with pastor Matt Boga from Reality Church in Stockton California as they unpack what the Bible says and how we ought to navigate dating and marriage in the midst of what today’s culture declares acceptable. 
57 minutes | Monday, 18 September 2023
It is very difficult to read through your Bible and not hold to the reality that God is meticulously sovereign over all things. When we truly grasp this truth, our lives are forever changed! We begin to see God in the big things as well as all the little details. Randomly bumping into someone at the mall ends up being clearly orchestrated by God and not random at all! Join host Andrew Marcus as we start season 2 of THE INDOUBT SHOW with Dr. John Neufeld from Back to the Bible Canada as we unpack God’s providence, what that means, and how this theology can transform our lives and provide us ...
1 hour 26 minutes | Monday, 11 September 2023
Last week we walked through some of the incredible conversations we’ve had in season 1 and some of the skits we’ve enjoyed recording! Join host Andrew Marcus as he walks through part 2 of the BEST moments from season 1!
1 hour 8 minutes | Monday, 4 September 2023
Last week we talked about the importance of looking back and remembering God’s faithfulness. As we conclude season 1, we are doing just that!  Join host Andrew Marcus as he takes us through part 1 of some of his favourite moments, conversations and funny skits from season 1!
1 hour 18 minutes | Monday, 28 August 2023
A lot of people today assume old things are unnecessary. Outdated technologies become obsolete, but the same is not true for church history! Some Christians only read the “New” Testament and say the “Old” Testament is irrelevant to them. This is false for so many reasons! Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with author Simonetta Car and Emma and Lucas, a few of the hosts from the Kids Talk Church History Podcast, as they unpack the significance of looking back throughout church history. The reality is, the cultural moment we find ourselves in isn’t new, and so looking back to learn fr...
54 minutes | Monday, 21 August 2023
“Deconstruction” is another buzz word that is becoming more and more popular amongst Christians. The reality is, this is not a new concept, it has been happening for a long time. Once we grow up, start living on our own, getting married and start making our own decisions, we begin to question all we’ve already based our lives on from our upbringing. We begin to question it all. Join host Andrew Marcus as he sits down with church planter and pastor of Every Nation at the Surrey SFU campus Matt Johnson as they unpack deconstruction, its dangers and what our firm foundation must be throughout ...
1 hour 13 minutes | Monday, 14 August 2023
A.I. continues to take the world by storm. Chat GPT and other technologies continue to bring connectivity to our world and resources to help with our day to day lives. Are there any risks to diving into all these technologies? Are all A.I. tools good resources or are some of them potentially harmful? What A.I. do we embrace and what A.I. should we avoid? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Jon Morrison, author and owner/lead marketing consultant at Get Clear as they unpack the risks and benefits of A.I. technology.
58 minutes | Monday, 7 August 2023
Often times when we hear the word “persecution” we automatically think of places where Christians are being stoned, tortured, imprisoned and even put to death. Christians around the world rejoice in their suffering as they stand on God’s Word and they are willing to sacrifice their lives in order to faithfully spread the Gospel. What about in today’s culture? Are we going through degrees of persecution without even being aware? What does it look like for Christians today in North America? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with author and founder of Apologetics Canada Andy Steiger as...
51 minutes | Monday, 31 July 2023
Alright so it’s summer. The sun’s out and it’s hot! The temptation to wear “breathable” clothes to stay cool continues to be on the forefront of all of our minds - so there’s no better time than now to unpack biblical modesty! What does the Bible say about what we should and should not wear? What is biblical modesty? Head coverings? Can women wear pants? Join our host Andrew Marcus as he sits down with his wife Michelle Marcus to unpack what the Bible teaches us and how can we live it out in the midst of today’s culture!
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Quality of Life in Singleness, Dating, Marriage, & Parenting w/ Cliff & Erin Ursel
In Doubt

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