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In Doubt

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Are You Prepared to SHARE Your Faith? w/Matt Smethurst


29 minutes | Monday, 26 August 2024
*Previously aired on March 27, 2023* (Interview Only)There has been a quote floating around for many years that says, “Preach the Gospel at all times; when necessary, use words.” This quote has been shared by many Christians with good intentions, but there are some problems with it. The main problem is this: it’s just not biblical. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends some time with author and pastor Matt Smethurst as they discuss 5 tools to help you become evangelism ready and how it is absolutely crucial to use words! Tune in and learn how we can better prepare ourselves to share our fait...
58 minutes | Monday, 19 August 2024
Context is everything. There are so many believers who naively take individual verses from Scripture and try to make it frame their theology. The reality is, we can make all sorts of passages mean all sorts of things depending on what we want to hear. Join host Andrew Marcus as he sits down with ministry friend Dr. John Neufeld from Back to the Bible Canada where they unpack the dangers of taking passages out of context, how to avoid it, and go through some of the most commonly misinterpreted Scriptures amongst Christians. 
47 minutes | Monday, 12 August 2024
One of the most dangerous things we see in today’s culture is forgetfulness. A major event takes place, and it only takes a few days to forget and move on to the latest news. The same thing happens when it comes to our spiritual journeys. It is crucial for us as believers to remember. We must fix our eyes on all that God has done through His Word, and throughout church history with those who have gone before us. When we remember God’s character, we are filled with peace, hope, and a confidence in who God is and His goodness towards us. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with his dear...
1 hour | Monday, 5 August 2024
We are living in an interesting time to say the very least. We see preachers that are politically motivated delivering messages that are geared more towards social justices and culture rather than unpacking biblical truths. As we gear up for election season in America and all that is happening within Canada, we need to make sure we are rooted in God’s Word. How should Christians engage in politics? How far is too far? What if the government is coming against our views and beliefs? How do we respond and engage with that? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Senior Ambassador and Pr...
44 minutes | Monday, 29 July 2024
Join us this week on THE INDOUBT SHOW as we dive into the great christianity and culture debate recorded live from Manitoba, Winkler! On this episode, we will be talking about how Christians can live within culture biblically, along with challenging how believers can view our government and political systems with a Christ-like mindset. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Back to the Bible Canada’s Bible teacher Dr. John Neufeld where they tackle these important questions.
59 minutes | Monday, 22 July 2024
Many people become hopeless when they are in the midst of an addiction. It feels like there is no way out, and that it’s not even worth trying to fight it. The stats don’t help. It is said that 100,000 people have died of drug overdoses last year in America. Addiction of all kinds are leaving people stuck in bondage with no sense of hope. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Student and Young Adults pastor of Village Church, Colin Lancelot, where they do a deep dive into the topic of addiction. You’ll be blessed to hear of God’s amazing grace in Colin’s life stepping away from a l...
52 minutes | Monday, 15 July 2024
As culture continues to change, it seems that many Christians continue to adapt to the changes. Many people are saying yes and amen to things that should be avoided rather than encouraged and celebrated. What about swearing? The use of profanity in today’s culture is something that most people do not even think twice about. Is profanity something that Christians should use in their day-to-day conversations, or is it something that we ought to avoid? Does the Bible say anything about the use of swear words, crude language, crude joking? What about using the Lord’s name in vain, is that worse...
42 minutes | Monday, 8 July 2024
Our minds are factories of thoughts - some intentional, some not. Sometimes these thoughts are born of morbid curiosity, and other times these thoughts arise from our sinful hearts. Where do these thoughts come from? How do we deal with such thoughts? What about negative self-talk? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with pastor and author John Beeson where they discuss the root of these thoughts and practical tools to help navigate them when they spontaneously show up in your thought life!  
57 minutes | Monday, 1 July 2024
God is doing great things in the Middle East. The stories of people having visions of Jesus, brothers in the Lord getting sent to jail, not realizing their purpose of being there was to share the Good News with those on the inside! God is amazing, and doing amazing things! Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with his uncle where they unpack all the exciting ministry that is happening in the Middle East! You will be so inspired to live out your faith for Christ by these stories! 
1 hour 3 minutes | Monday, 24 June 2024
A lot of people quote the passage incorrectly and say that money is the root of all kinds of evil. They are missing one key word. Love. It is, in fact, the love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil. Money in itself is not evil. It can be used for good and for God! The Bible talks a lot about money. The importance of saving, the dangers of debt, and the temptation to worship it rather than use it for the glory of God. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with author, investor and entrepreneur David Ash where they unpack 6 key principles for financial freedom. It is important t...
1 hour 3 minutes | Monday, 17 June 2024
We continue our World Religions Unraveled series with an insightful conversation studying the history and teachings of Sikhism. As Christians, we ought to be aware of the differences and similarities that others practice in different faith backgrounds in order to have meaningful conversations and be used to help lead people to the LORD. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Isaac Paul where they do a deep dive unpacking the theology of Sikhism and the practical ways we can engage in healthy, God-honouring conversations with those who are faithfully practicing. 
50 minutes | Monday, 10 June 2024
Our World Religions Unraveled series is designed to equip Christians with resources and tools to engage in meaningful conversations with people who practice different religions. Understanding other religions and cultures is an important aspect of evangelism. Hinduism is a religion that has been around for many years and continues to grow in influence all over the world. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Pastor Suraj Kasula, all the way in Nepal as he shares his radical conversion story from Hinduism to Christianity. He shares the history of Hinduism, their theology and the best...
1 hour 1 minute | Monday, 3 June 2024
We launch our new series World Religions Unraveled with a powerful conversation unpacking the history and theology of Islam, and their perspective of Christianity. We believe it is crucial to build bridges and have a good idea of what Islam teaches in order to minister to those around us who practice. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Isaac Paul where they unpack the history, theology, and powerful practical resources to help you engage in healthy, God-honouring dialogue with those who practice Islam.
53 minutes | Monday, 27 May 2024
As Christians, we have been given a great commission. A task that is vitally important as we continue to journey through all that life throws at us. Evangelism is essential to a believer’s life. We are called to (with our words and actions) preach the Gospel to all those God puts in our spheres of influence. When is the last time you shared your faith with a friend, co-worker, family member or even a stranger? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Gloria Furman where they unpack some practical advice on evangelism, some spiritual practices that are essential and a major pitfall to ...
1 hour 7 minutes | Monday, 20 May 2024
Gender dysphoria continues to be the story for many young people in today’s society. The community of young people going through permanent, life-altering surgeries as they search for their true self is growing rapidly. It is important to stay rooted in God’s Word as we navigate loving people well and showing compassion. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Kyla Gillespie, unpacking her powerful story of faith, identity and transformation. Kyla shares her deeply personal journey of grappling with gender dysphoria from a young age, her eventual transition to living as a male, and he...
57 minutes | Monday, 13 May 2024
There are so many questions when it comes to eschatology and our views on the end times. It is important to study and be aware of today’s climate in the spiritual world and the glorious hope we have awaiting for us as followers of Christ. Are we currently in the end times? Is there a such thing as a rapture? When will it happen? What are the different end times theologies and why are there different viewpoints? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Pastor Brent Smith from Riverside Calvary Chapel where they dive deep into the Rapture, the book of Revelation and our blessed hope tha...
47 minutes | Monday, 6 May 2024
MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) continues to gain popularity. In fact, here in Canada, we are statistically leading the charge. People are traveling literally from around the world to go through the procedure of ending their life. Is this something that should be concerning as a Christian? Where should we stand when it comes to MAID? How do we, as believers, help those who are contemplating going this route? How do we grieve with hope if we’ve lost someone through MAID? As medical assistance in dying continues to gain popularity, we need to equip ourselves with a solid biblical foundatio...
49 minutes | Monday, 29 April 2024
It is important for us to look throughout history to be inspired by the goodness of God and His faithfulness amongst His children. We learn how to stay strong when we go through hardships and how to remain faithful even when we feel like giving up. George Muller, evangelist, pastor and director of an orphanage in Bristol, England was a man of great faith who suffered great loss and endured unimaginable suffering. Yet in the midst of all he went through, we see a man of faith, a passionate prayer warrior and someone who deeply loved Jesus. Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends with pastor Gar...
50 minutes | Monday, 22 April 2024
Life is always moving quickly! As Christians, sometimes it’s important for us to take a moment, stop and remind ourselves of some basic definitions. We hear the terms missions, missionary and evangelism often in gospel conversations, but what do they mean and how do we live them out? Going on a missions trip could be somewhere far away in some remote area, but The Great Commission is something we should be doing all the time. What’s the difference between MISSION and MISSIONS? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with pastor and author David Platt where they discuss the difference betw...
52 minutes | Monday, 15 April 2024
The Book of Psalms is filled with amazing songs that teach us so much about who God is and what He has done for us! It shows us what a true and genuine relationship looks like, an opportunity that we all have when we put our faith and trust in Jesus! Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Shane Heilman from The Psalms Project where they unpack the significance of the book of Psalms, and how important it is for us to immerse ourselves in God’s Word! 
39 minutes | Monday, 8 April 2024
There is a big distinction that we need to address in the area of kindness. Kindness is far more than being nice. Christians are called to show kindness in a world that often promotes meanness. But what is true kindness? How do we define it? What does it look like in everyday life? Join guest host Daniel Markin as he spends time with Nate Pickowicz, pastor of Harvest Bible Church, where they discuss his latest book called The Kindness of God. Nate shares a bit of his personal journey and unpacks key elements in his latest book to help us understand the true kindness of God and how to apply ...
18 minutes | Monday, 1 April 2024
Often times we hear people grumbling and complaining about immigration, how our country and the cities that make it up are becoming over populated and causing all sorts of headaches. Is it possible that we are just looking at all that is happening with the wrong perspective? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Dr. John Neufeld from Back to the Bible Canada where they unpack what God is doing in our world today and how we can be on mission to share our faith with all those God is bringing into our spheres of influence. 
1 hour 4 minutes | Monday, 25 March 2024
There are many people in today’s society and throughout history who believed that Jesus was a real person. They believe he was a good person, a teacher, and that he helped many people. But when it comes to the resurrection, this is where they begin to doubt. In a compelling episode on THE INDOUBT SHOW, host Andrew Marcus sits down with George Sinclair (Pastor of Church of the Messiah) as they delve into the depths of evidence surrounding the resurrection of Jesus. George Sinclair, renowned for his scholarly contributions to Christian apologetics, articulates the multifaceted strands of evid...
39 minutes | Monday, 18 March 2024
Why did the angel of the Lord come down to kill Moses and how did Gershom's circumcision save his life? Why does God tell Balaam to go to Balak and then get angry at him for actually going? You may have experienced a time in your daily devotionals where you’ve come across strange passages like these that just don't make any sense to you. You read through your Bible’s study notes at the bottom and you still find yourself scratching your head wondering what it means or why it was even included in the text. What do we do then? Join host of THE INDOUBT SHOW Andrew Marcus as he spends time with ...
1 hour 14 minutes | Monday, 11 March 2024
If you don’t know this, there are no real references to people dating in the Bible. With that being said, there are many biblical principles we can apply to make sure we have a godly view of dating. But how do we put those into practice? Is there a certain age to start dating? How long is too long when dating someone? How do you know when you are ready to date? Or if you are dating, how do you know when it’s time to get engaged? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time in studio with Northview Church’s Young Adults pastor Fredy Orozco where they unpack all things dating and how to set your...
1 hour 8 minutes | Monday, 4 March 2024
Have you heard the term “respectable sins?” You know, the little white lie, cheating on a test, gossiping about your friend at church. The sins we don’t take too seriously because they are “small” or “insignificant.” Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Author Jen Oshman where they discuss the concept of respectable sins and the importance of recognizing and addressing them in our lives. 
1 hour 9 minutes | Monday, 26 February 2024
As artificial intelligence continues to develop, we continue to revisit the conversation to ensure we are one step ahead as believers. With Neurolink’s latest brain chip implanted in the first human, and Sweden’s micro chips becoming more and more popular, allowing people to purchase goods and unlock their car with their hands, how far is too far? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with founder of Apologetics Canada, Andy Steiger, where they unpack the latest in AI and how we as Christians should respond to the fast pace of technology.
1 hour 17 minutes | Monday, 19 February 2024
There are so many different life stages that we can prepare for before we walk through them. It’s important to plan ahead as best as we can even though there are certain unknowns that go before us. In today’s program, host Andrew Marcus gets to spend time with longtime friends Cliff and Erin Ursel, pastors at Westside Church in Vancouver, and unpack all stages of life: singleness, dating, engagement, marriage and raising kids. 
1 hour 12 minutes | Monday, 12 February 2024
You don’t have to look far to see that many people are struggling as we head into 2024. With the cost of living constantly rising, the talk and rumours of war, the advancement of technology happening at an alarming rate, it is easy to get overwhelmed by what seems to be chaos!! Join INDOUBT’s host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with Luke Friesen, Northview Church’s high school pastor, as they lean into finding hope in the midst of hardship. 
1 hour 1 minute | Monday, 5 February 2024
Prayer is such a crucial part of a believer’s life. When we study the Word and hear testimonies from believers, it doesn’t take long to realize how foundational prayer ought to be in our lives. Often times prayer is a shopping list of all the things we want God to do for us. Is there a wrong way to pray? Join host Andrew Marcus as he spends time with managing editor of The Gospel Coalition’s Megan Hill as they discuss the importance of prayer and walk through practical ways to stir up a hunger for more prayer in your life.
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Are You Prepared to SHARE Your Faith? w/Matt Smethurst
In Doubt

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