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Why Follow Jesus?: What God Requires of Us


24 minutes | Thursday, 30 November 2023
The central question for each one of us is simple, "What does God require from me?" Should I pray more? Do I need to give more? How can I be a better person? Now there is no doubt that more prayer, generosity, and holiness is fitting, but is this what God expects? Today Dr. John turns us to the words of Jesus. There is one work that pleases God - our faith.Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people seem to believe for awhile, but in due time will walk away. John 6 is an invitation to examine good and bad reas...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Faith is the means of our spiritual life. We begin by faith. We continue by faith. It is not the product of our own efforts, but of grace. And it is by grace that God nurtures our faith. Today we hear of the way that Jesus enhanced the faith of His disciples. During a night storm, Jesus walked on the waves to His disciples. The event began in fear and ended in faith. To grow in faith, it helps to have a crisis!Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people seem to believe for awhile, but in due time will walk awa...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 28 November 2023
We are self-oriented people. Self-interest is our natural default. So we can understand why a crowd followed Jesus after being fed with a boy's small lunch. They thought that anyone who could solve their hunger should be king! Today we hear Jesus correct us. He is not just a means for our satisfaction, personal or political. Listen as Dr. John cautions about using Jesus for our own gain.Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people seem to believe for awhile, but in due time will walk away. John 6 is an invitati...
24 minutes | Monday, 27 November 2023
Why did you say "Yes" to your current job opportunity? Why did you marry your spouse? Why did you come to Jesus? Reflecting on our past motivation gives insight to our choices. Today Dr. John invites us to examine our motive for faith. We will find that our reasons for turning to God have probably matured. It has become less about us and more about Him. Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people seem to believe for awhile, but in due time will walk away. John 6 is an invitation to examine good and bad reasons...
24 minutes | Friday, 24 November 2023
The book of Colossians closes with a listing of those who supported and partnered with Paul in his ministry. Some of the names are familiar, while we shrug our shoulders at others. But every name is significant as a narrative of God's handiwork. Like names in a graveyard or those engraved on a cenotaph, these names have a story - even as our name has a story. Every story is a message about God's grace and glory. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be ha...
24 minutes | Thursday, 23 November 2023
Speakers and writers tend to pack in more content as they near the end of their communication. You get that sense from Paul at the end of his Colossian letter. He writes in a compact manner of prayer, ministry and evangelism. The brevity of his words does not suggest that these are small matters.  In fact, he invites the Colossians to participate with him in these God-given opportunities. Whenever God is at work, there are no small matters. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in ou...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Today, we justly look with abhorrence at slavery. It has not been that way throughout all of history. Slavery has been practiced in various manners, even in biblical times. Listen as Dr. John teaches on Paul's commands in Colossians to both slaves and masters. We are reminded that any condition can be a vehicle of grace for God's glory. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern the fake from the authentic. The book of Colossians is aimed at...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Considering the number of complaints and criticism we hear of the family structure, you may begin to wonder if it is truly something "good" as declared by God in Genesis. The New Testament affirms the goodness and importance of the family. Paul speaks to the Colossian congregation and gives specific commands to wives, husbands, fathers and children. These commands remain relevant, central and beneficial for our homes today. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. ...
24 minutes | Monday, 20 November 2023
Families may gather for meals. Fans gather to cheer their team. Managers gather to set visions and direction. Why does a Church gather every Sunday? The people of God meet to worship. While worship may shift from culture to culture and over the generations, Paul commands the church at Colossae to pay attention to their form of worship. Dr. John teaches on the fundamentals of worship for every congregation. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to ...
24 minutes | Friday, 17 November 2023
Not all clothing fits the occasion. Shorts and t-shirts are inappropriate for a formal banquet. Likewise, not all clothing fits our identity. Teens and seniors dress differently. Paul tells the believers in Colossae to take off what was true of their past and put on what is new in Christ. Today Dr. John teaches on the 5 virtues that Christians are to put on. We will find that these virtues suit every occasion and fit every believer. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congre...
24 minutes | Thursday, 16 November 2023
It is our experience to be living and growing. A toddler is alive but not yet what they will be. So too in Christ - we are made alive and are growing into the stature of Jesus within us. Today we learn that our growing necessitates a renouncement of sin, both sexual and relational. Our growth may not be a straight line towards perfection, but it is in a new direction, pursuing that which glorifies our Lord. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Those in cemeteries give no thought to the stock market, the latest fashions or current amusements. They are dead and have no relationship to matters of this earth. Paul reminds us that we were dead, but are now raised with Jesus. In this new life we are to set our hearts and minds on the matters of heaven - the Kingdom of God. Listen as Dr. John teaches about seeking the things above and resisting the things below. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can b...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 14 November 2023
You may have received a phone call or an email proclaiming that you won a spectacular prize. The prize is yours and all you need to do is subscribe to a magazine, pay the upfront taxes or some other obligation. Paul warned the Colossians about adding anything to God's gift of grace in Jesus. We are not saved, nor do we live by "Jesus plus..." To trust or exalt anything added to the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus is wandering off the path of grace. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Chris...
24 minutes | Monday, 13 November 2023
If the bank manager called you into their office and declared your mortgage free and clear, your car loan forgiven and all your bank accounts filled beyond measure, you would have good reason to celebrate! Today we celebrate the good news of our personal ledger of crimes and punishment being wiped clean in Jesus. By His sacrifice, we are forgiven and made alive. Reason enough to celebrate for ever. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern ...
24 minutes | Friday, 10 November 2023
It is a marvelous mystery that the fullness of Deity resides within the physical being of Jesus. Added to that mystery is this - all that Jesus is, dwells in your physical being as a believer. Whatever lack or shortfall we sense within ourselves is enveloped by this truth. We may not be what we should be nor what we will be, but in this moment, we are complete in Jesus Christ. Take hope in that.The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern the ...
24 minutes | Thursday, 9 November 2023
There have been instances where someone wins a very large sum of money through a lottery ticket, and then continues to buy more tickets! What could they possibly need, having been so enriched in the first place? Dr. John asks the same question about Christians. Having received an immeasurable, eternal treasure in Jesus through grace, some still seek more beyond Him. They are in danger of losing something precious - their gratitude and praise for what Jesus has given.The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 8 November 2023
Anyone can be tricked; but that can be easily reversed with better information. Not so with delusions. Delusions are rooted deep within us and create personal blind spots resistant to instruction. Dr. John points to the only remedy for delusions - a heart that is sensitive and growing upon the riches of Jesus Christ. Delusions are not cured just through better information - we need heart change. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern the...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 7 November 2023
The work of Jesus is fulfilled. His atonement for our sin is complete. So, what does Paul mean when he says that he fills up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions? Listen as Dr. John sorts through our confusion. The finished work of Jesus is an on-going message that we carry to our world. For that, we suffer. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern the fake from the authentic. The book of Colossians is aimed at understanding the real Je...
24 minutes | Monday, 6 November 2023
A small word can carry a big difference. When we hear the word "If," we recognize that the family trip or house purchase may happen, or it may not. "If" suggests a conditional context. Listen as Dr. John teaches on the "if" Paul uses in relation to our salvation. The word is not meant to introduce doubt, but confidence and hope. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern the fake from the authentic. The book of Colossians is aimed at underst...
24 minutes | Friday, 3 November 2023
Have you ever wondered what the early church sang? What were their songs of faith about? We find in the first chapter of Colossians an early hymn. The song is about Jesus, who He is and what He has done. It's a song about creation and redemption. Listen as Dr. John walks us through the second verse of that hymn. It is a song of joy and peace we can echo today!The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern the fake from the authentic. The book of...
24 minutes | Thursday, 2 November 2023
The best way to understand Christianity is not a study of world religions, churches, or individual believers. To learn about Christianity, we must learn about Christ. We ought to begin with Jesus, because in Jesus, everything begins. Here Dr. John teaches on the supremacy of Jesus over all created things. Only when we understand Jesus does the rest of the world make sense. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern the fake from the authenti...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 1 November 2023
When we think about knowing God's will for our lives, we tend to consider the major decisions of marriage, career, moving or staying. Today Dr. John teaches that the will of God is broader than specific decisions. The will of God is something we live out daily. Listen to Paul's prayer for the Colossians and the four requests he prays to help them understand the will of God for their life, and ours. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern ...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 31 October 2023
Nothing on earth is perfect. We must wait for heaven to be all that we should be. But until then, we often focus only on what is wrong. Our attention to what needs change can blind us to all that is good. Dr. John reminds us of Paul's first word to a church wavering on heresy - a prayer of gratitude. It's a good example for church leaders, parents, employees, and citizens - be grateful and pray. The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our congregations. It can be hard to discern the...
24 minutes | Monday, 30 October 2023
It is harder today to know what is real. Artificial intelligence allows for false voices, photos, or videos to masquerade as true. It's getting difficult to discern the manufactured reality. Of course, this is not new. The Devil deals with lies and parades as an angel of light. Colossians is a book that compels us to examine the truth about Jesus and ourselves. Listen as Dr. John teaches us to not only recognize the truth, but to share it.The True Christian: There are forgery works of art hanging undetected in museums. They look authentic but are false. There can be false Christians in our ...
24 minutes | Friday, 27 October 2023
Truth must be spoken and lived, understood and practiced. Knowing the science of balance is one thing, riding a bicycle is another. Paul outlines the facts of the gospel in Romans 1-4, but he then speaks of the power of the gospel in us, chapters 5-8. Today, Dr. John reviews the effect of this good news in the lives and actions of believers. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of G...
24 minutes | Thursday, 26 October 2023
A toddler in the arms of their parent may hold tightly, afraid of falling on steep declines or across busy roads. They think that security is in their grip on mom or dad. The truth is, their security is not in their little arms, but the loving arms of the parent. In today's message we find that the security and perseverance of our souls into glory is in the work and grip of God. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 ...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 25 October 2023
It's not hard to look around and count the challenges, obstacles or opposition that presses against our faith. We may feel outnumbered and overwhelmed. But as Dr. John reminds us in this message, it is not who is against us, but who is for us! A stirring message of hope that nothing can stand against us because of Jesus Christ. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enabl...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 24 October 2023
A chain is a series of connected links whose strength is as strong as each individual link. Dr. John teaches from Romans 8 on the theological chain forged by God which holds us to Him, His purposes, and our destiny. This Golden Chain of 5 links has the strength of God. No believer needs ever fear that it will break. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enables us to liv...
24 minutes | Monday, 23 October 2023
Believers are not immune to the pains of life. People of faith get sick, die in accidents, and can lose their jobs. Today Dr. John teaches on the promise of hope from Romans 8:28. Our confidence rests not in luck or our ability to avoid life's struggles. We trust in God who is at work in everything for good. Take heart, God is in control.The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God w...
24 minutes | Friday, 20 October 2023
No believer prays alone. We enjoy the fellowship of prayer with others. But even when by ourselves, we never pray alone. Dr. John reminds us of the ministry of God the Spirit. He intercedes for us and prays when our mind or heart are limited. The Spirit stands with us and guides us into the will of God. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enables us to live with victor...
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Why Follow Jesus?: What God Requires of Us
Back To The Bible Canada

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