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The Power of the Gospel: The Spirit's Groaning


24 minutes | Friday, 20 October 2023
No believer prays alone. We enjoy the fellowship of prayer with others. But even when by ourselves, we never pray alone. Dr. John reminds us of the ministry of God the Spirit. He intercedes for us and prays when our mind or heart are limited. The Spirit stands with us and guides us into the will of God. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enables us to live with victor...
24 minutes | Thursday, 19 October 2023
Ice cream parlours often allow you to sample a flavour before you buy. That does two things. It assures you that you'll enjoy the flavour, but it also heightens your desire to buy. Few are satisfied by simply tasting. Dr. John echoes Paul's teaching that by the Spirit, believers receive a foretaste of what we will be in glory. We groan for more. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace ...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 18 October 2023
The redemption found in Jesus Christ covers all of creation. Even as the whole of creation was stained by sin, so the whole of creation looks to the renewal of God in Jesus. Dr. John reminds us that the efforts of man to prevent and renew the ecology fall short. God Himself will make the earth and all creation exactly as He intended - all for His glory. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerfu...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 17 October 2023
There are unavoidable truths in life. No matter who you are, where you are or how you live; they are inescapable. Suffering is one of those facts. Today, Dr. John speaks of our present suffering in light of our coming glory. When the certainty of current suffering and promise of future glory are compared, glory shines brighter. Since that is true, if our present sufferings are real, how great the coming glory must be!The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series...
24 minutes | Monday, 16 October 2023
We can become family by birth. We can become family by adoption. God has done both for us. He grants us new life in Jesus, but then He does more. He makes us His family by the Spirit - sons and daughters of God. Dr. John teaches on the abundant graces that have been granted to us. He has offered more to us than could be imagined. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which ena...
24 minutes | Friday, 13 October 2023
When hitting a baseball or riding a bicycle, this principle applies; "You go where you look." Our bodies will follow our gaze, when swinging at a pitch or navigating a sharp turn. Today Dr. John reminds us that a similar principle is at work in our spiritual growth. When our minds and vision are set on the things of God, we will follow the leading of the Spirt. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the...
24 minutes | Thursday, 12 October 2023
The freedom of our salvation is reflected in various ways. We are freed from the weight of Law as a means of righteousness. We are freed from death as penalty for our sins. We are freed from the accusations of our guilt. Today, Dr. John teaches that we are freed to live this new life by the ministry of the Spirit. God has made a way.The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which ...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Paul has described a battle with sin in Romans 7, which is our common experience. But there is a shift in Romans 8. The language moves from what we do, to what the Spirit of God does for us. It is a chapter of victorious hope which begins with a declaration: in Jesus Christ, we are not condemned! Listen and take heart. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enables us to ...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 10 October 2023
The struggle with sin is real within every believer. We are not excused from the battle, even as new creations in Christ. Listen as Dr. John teaches on this pivotal passage from Rom.7:14-25.  It will not only reflect a tension we understand, but offer us hope. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enables us to live with victory, joy and peace. To those who feel defeated...
24 minutes | Monday, 9 October 2023
To be married is both a sate and an experience. The state of marriage is evident by the marriage licence, but the experience of marriage is lived out daily, good or bad. What is a believer’s relationship to sin? The death and resurrection of Jesus has granted us a certificate of forgiveness and freedom. The experience of a believer may be a daily struggle with sin. Listen today as Dr. John teaches about sin the life of a believer. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this...
24 minutes | Friday, 6 October 2023
A sinful life is complicated and messy. It creates confusion and disorder; so much so, that people struggle to find a clear path out of their web of sins. Dr. John teaches from Romans 7 that the benefit of the Law is clarity. It both defines what is wrong and points to what is right. It is a light in our darkness. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enables us to live ...
24 minutes | Thursday, 5 October 2023
Rules have their place. They regulate our streets to promote our safety. But rules of the road can't make a good driver. You need more than rules for that. Today Dr. John explores the role of the Law for Christians. What is our relationship to the rules of the Old Testament? We'll find that the Law is not a pathway for holiness; the Spirit is. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 4 October 2023
Our society talks a lot about freedom but is in servitude to things or situations. Entertainment, possessions, popularity, power, greed - any of these hold sway over many. Today Dr. John echoes Paul's words from Rom.6, we are all slaves to either God or sin. Servitude isn't the question; but the quality of our Master is. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enables us t...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 3 October 2023
When significant changes happen in life, we can't live as if they didn't. A bachelor shouldn't live as a single after marriage. A house you sold isn't yours to enter at will. Dr. John teaches of the changes made in us through Jesus Christ. We are no longer under sin's power or authority. We'd be foolish to live as if we were.The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enables ...
24 minutes | Monday, 2 October 2023
We struggle with the grace of God. It is so beyond our defaults that we struggle to understand it. "Doesn't too much grace invite us to sin recklessly?" That is the question Dr. John addresses as he continues teaching from Romans 6. We will find that grace not only leads to life, but to holiness. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses on the powerful grace of God which enables us to live with victory, joy ...
24 minutes | Friday, 29 September 2023
If a baseball player hits a winning home run, everyone on the team is attributed the win, even though only one player hit the ball out of the park. Being part of the team means the efforts of one extends victory to all. Dr. John teaches from Romans 5:15-21 that Jesus is the Victor for us all. In Adam, we share a common guilt. In Jesus, we share His goodness and life.The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focuses o...
24 minutes | Thursday, 28 September 2023
Sin is the common denominator for humanity. Our sins may vary in scope and kind, but everyone, everywhere sins. Why is that? Dr. John explains from Romans 5:12-14 that we all are held to account for Adam's sin. We share his condemnation of death. We share his attitude of rebellion. Common humanity makes it so. That bond explains our common failure. It will also point to our common hope. The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Rom...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 27 September 2023
How much does God love us? How would we quantify that? We could point to creation and the abundance of daily grace. We could list answered prayers and unique provisions. But Paul points to another measure. Today, Dr. John teaches from Romans 5:6-11 and unpacks Paul's demonstration of God's love for us. If God loved us at our worst, enough to die for us, how can He love us less as His child? Today, tomorrow and forever, you are loved by God through Jesus Christ.The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us ...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 26 September 2023
The grace of our God is His eternal heart to do good for us, regardless of our merit. That sounds too good to be true - so we often doubt it. Dr. John speaks to all who struggle with God's love poured out to us in Jesus Christ. If you think God is mad at you, that there are unresolved issues with Him or that a failure on your part endangers His love for you, take heart from this message on Romans 5:1-4.The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neuf...
24 minutes | Monday, 25 September 2023
A box of tools is of little use to us unless we know how to employ the tools. In the first of 5 messages on Romans 5-8, Dr. John teaches on the power of the gospel to not only save us, but to change us. We are powerless to achieve godliness on our own. In place of our own efforts, God responds to our faith. We trusted Jesus to save us. Trust Him as you live this new life.The Power of the Gospel: The gospel of Jesus has the power to save us by granting us eternal life. The gospel also has power for us to live this new life. In this 5-week series, Dr. John Neufeld explores Romans 5-8 and focu...
24 minutes | Friday, 22 September 2023
The plan and rule of God is focused through the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the means of redemption and reconciliation. Jesus is the coming King who will rule the earth. In Psalm 2, God laughs at the opposition of earthly kings. Why? Jesus reigns with a rod of iron. Let every king bow in reverence. Let every believer live with hope. To the King: What binds these two Psalms together is their expression of praise for the King who is unstoppable in power. In this 5-message series, join Dr. John Neufeld as he examines Psalm 2 and Psalm 147. The theme of these 2 Psalms is simple: God reigns over...
24 minutes | Thursday, 21 September 2023
It is no secret that our modern culture not only places God on the periphery, but actively opposes His Word and rule. The ways of God are ridiculed and rejected. Dr. John turns us to Psalm 2 to demonstrate that this is not new. God is not surprised or shook. His Throne is eternally stable, and His people can be calm and confident.To the King: What binds these two Psalms together is their expression of praise for the King who is unstoppable in power. In this 5-message series, join Dr. John Neufeld as he examines Psalm 2 and Psalm 147. The theme of these 2 Psalms is simple: God reigns over al...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 20 September 2023
"Can't see the forest for the trees" is more than a cliche. It is a vulnerability in each one of us. We can be so wrapped up by what is in front of us, pleasure or pain, that we fail to see the larger Hand of God. As Dr. John continues with Psalm 147, we learn that God is at work in everything. So, in everything, we can place our hope in Him.To the King: What binds these two Psalms together is their expression of praise for the King who is unstoppable in power. In this 5-message series, join Dr. John Neufeld as he examines Psalm 2 and Psalm 147. The theme of these 2 Psalms is simple: God re...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 19 September 2023
It's easy to sing at a wedding, but harder to sing at a funeral. Yet both occasions call for songs of praise and worship. Psalm 147 commands us to praise our Lord, regardless of our context. We are to praise God in pain or pleasure. Dr. John reminds us that worship not only exalts our King - it heals the heart of the worshipper. To the King: What binds these two Psalms together is their expression of praise for the King who is unstoppable in power. In this 5-message series, join Dr. John Neufeld as he examines Psalm 2 and Psalm 147. The theme of these 2 Psalms is simple: God reigns over all...
24 minutes | Monday, 18 September 2023
Loyalty can be bought. People may stick with a brand or political party because of the perks. God doesn't work that way. In fact, our loyalty is often tested through hardships. Listen as Dr. John teaches from Psalm 147 about faithfulness and celebration for our King. Consider the question, "Why am I loyal to Jesus despite the hardships?"To the King: What binds these two Psalms together is their expression of praise for the King who is unstoppable in power. In this 5-message series, join Dr. John Neufeld as he examines Psalm 2 and Psalm 147. The theme of these 2 Psalms is simple: God reigns ...
24 minutes | Friday, 15 September 2023
To a generation which feeds on complaint and criticism of leadership, Psalm 21 may feel like a speedbump. Like Ps.20, this is another royal Psalm. Psalm 20 calls us to pray for the king, but Psalm 21 calls us to be grateful for the king! That is another issue altogether. Listen as Dr. John opens this psalm with practical application for us all.Prayers of King David: Part of the appeal of the Psalms is that they speak to our current life situations with clarity and hope. In this five-message series, Dr. John points to the prayers of David from Psalms 13-17. Whether we are enduring difficult ...
24 minutes | Thursday, 14 September 2023
A clear principle demonstrated throughout Israel's history is this - godly leaders impact the nation for good. However, the opposite is also true. Ungodly leaders can ruin a nation. Dr. John teaches through Psalm 20, a royal psalm for the king. The psalm teaches us how to pray for our leadership, be it civil or congregational. We pray the blessing of God upon our leaders that we, too, might be blessed.Prayers of King David: Part of the appeal of the Psalms is that they speak to our current life situations with clarity and hope. In this five-message series, Dr. John points to the prayers of ...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 13 September 2023
To those who think that God is silent, Psalm 19 presents two books of God. Dr. John points to this library of God and demonstrates the power and impact of both the book of nature and the book of Scripture. The one overpowers us with wonder, the second offers wisdom that leads to spiritual wealth. Listen as Dr. John explains the place and power of each.Prayers of King David: Part of the appeal of the Psalms is that they speak to our current life situations with clarity and hope. In this five-message series, Dr. John points to the prayers of David from Psalms 13-17. Whether we are enduring di...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 12 September 2023
The idealist hopes and prays for victory through negotiation. Certainly, peace through words is preferred, but Ps.18 demonstrates David's victory through battle. David achieved peace, security and prosperity for Israel, but at a cost. As Dr. John continues to teach through Psalm 18, we are directed to the coming victory of Jesus Christ. While David's won peace was partial, the King of Kings will return and achieve victory and peace over all creation.Prayers of King David: Part of the appeal of the Psalms is that they speak to our current life situations with clarity and hope. In this five-m...
24 minutes | Monday, 11 September 2023
Today we have limited connection with monarchy. We may follow the news, gossip about their lives and marvel at the pageantry, but who they are and what do is of limited practical impact in Canada. But Psalm 18 demonstrates that all of history is affected by Ps.18. Dr. John will demonstrate that this Royal Psalm is testament to the power of God's promises and the ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. In other words, this Psalm is for all of us.Prayers of King David: Part of the appeal of the Psalms is that they speak to our current life situations with clarity and hope. In this five-message ...
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The Power of the Gospel: The Spirit's Groaning
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