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Life Lessons From David: Finding Strength in God Alone


24 minutes | Thursday, 11 January 2024
Everyone suffers. No one is immune to physical, emotional, or mental pain. Pain is not proportional. There are people who have experienced what seems to be more than their share. Dr. John walks us through the most painful time of David's life. In place of anger or bitterness, David strengthened himself in the Lord. We can do the same.Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By joining Dr. John Neufeld in this 15-message se...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 10 January 2024
You can't live a "double life" with only one life. But we try to. We may be one thing at work and another at home. Our Sundays may be different from our Tuesdays. Our external life may be distinct from our inner life. In today's message we see David try to live a double life and God rescues him from his fault. God will reveal duplicity and lead us to a single heart.Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By joining Dr. Jo...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 9 January 2024
What is of supreme importance in your life? What issue is always underneath everything you say or do? Today Dr. John points to the misplaced priority of King Saul who thought victory over the Philistines took precedence over hearing from God. Drifting from what matters ended in his death. Nothing should replace the primacy of our relationship with God.Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By joining Dr. John Neufeld in ...
24 minutes | Monday, 8 January 2024
Have you ever laid awake at night imagining the worst that could happen to you? Most of us have dealt with the pessimistic outcomes conjured in our fearful minds. Today, Dr. John deals with David's actions and plans to fix the negative outcomes he developed in his own mind. Regardless of the measures intended, nothing ever replaces faith in the care, presence, and promise of God. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By...
24 minutes | Friday, 5 January 2024
Integrity is the harmony between what we believe and what we do. Life may press us to articulate our convictions, but then to act contrary to them. Dr. John looks at David as an example of one with integrity, who not only refused to do what was wrong, but chose to do what was right. A harmony of life needed within our days. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By joining Dr. John Neufeld in this 15-message series title...
24 minutes | Thursday, 4 January 2024
Has God ever prevented you from doing something you would regret later? Perhaps in a surge of anger or a hasty decision, God intervenes for good in our lives. God does what is right, even if we are prone not to. Today Dr. John teaches on about David's interaction with Nabal and Abigail. David had been wronged and was ready to avenge it. God stepped in with wisdom for the greater picture. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His pe...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 3 January 2024
The confidence of a warrior is not enough to enable a king. David knew how to fight; he will need to learn how to reign. Dr. John points to God's care and schooling for David as he ran from Saul. A key lesson was learned in a cave in En Gedi. We learn to wait on God. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By joining Dr. John Neufeld in this 15-message series titled, Life Lessons From David, you will be blessed and encour...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 2 January 2024
Only the naive think that David was prepared to be king at the defeat of Goliath. David demonstrated great courage and faith, but there was much in him that needed to be addressed by the grace of God. Dr. John teaches that the path towards glory is marked by suffering. God's intent is not pain, but purification. He shaped David for His purposes, even as he shapes us too. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By joining ...
24 minutes | Monday, 1 January 2024
Faithfulness is not a single step. It is a journey of many steps, one after the other in the same direction. Before David would be king of Israel, there were countless faithful steps he had to take. His path would face opposition, treachery and temptation. Listen as Dr. John points to the faithfulness of David despite great struggle. We can take courage in our own journey and trust the power of God for each step. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unc...
24 minutes | Friday, 29 December 2023
David went from being an obscure shepherd boy to Israel's hero. He was elevated, applauded and sung about. How did a young boy navigate the rapids of fame?  Today Dr. John points to a gift that God provided for David; a friend. Jonathan and David were bound by heart. This friendship did more than help David understand the royal court. It helped stabilize David in the crush of popularity. Everyone needs a friend.Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and uncon...
24 minutes | Thursday, 28 December 2023
It was over in an instant. The battle between David and Goliath lasted as long as the flight of a stone. David faced Goliath with the tools of a shepherd and had the experience of defending his flock from a bear and lion. Dr. John reminds us that we answer the calling of God with the shaping and resources of God. God had prepared David for this moment. God is preparing you for His purpose as well. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love ...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 27 December 2023
The fact that we all have a calling from God doesn't suggest that everyone responds well to it. Rising to the call of God requires courage - but a specific kind of courage. Listen as Dr. John speaks of David and Goliath. You will note that while David had personal courage, it did not rest upon his ability, experience or equipment. David’s confidence was in God. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By joining Dr. John N...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 26 December 2023
We are not self-made, but shaped. We are not self-directed, but guided. Believers do not craft their own calling, but respond to the Voice and Hand of God. We see in David's life, not only that God had a calling for him, but the way David discerned and answered that call. David's pattern becomes a template for us all.Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By joining Dr. John Neufeld in this 15-message series titled, Life...
24 minutes | Monday, 25 December 2023
The place and purpose of David within the Scriptures cannot be overstated. He is the epitome of Monarchs in the Old Testament and the foreshadow of Messianic reign in the New Testament. Mores so, David's life is evidence that God has purpose for us all. Listen as Dr. John begins to trace the intent of God through David's life. It gives hope and meaning for us as well. We may not rise to the heights of David, but our lives in God's Hands have purpose. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an ama...
24 minutes | Friday, 22 December 2023
Micah is a prophecy of stark clarity. It demonstrates the fallen condition of humanity and the judgement of God which rests upon us justly. But it is a Messianic prophecy as well. The Messiah will come to judge, rule and to pardon. Dr. John demonstrates how the coming of the Messiah in Bethlehem proves to be the hope for all for pardon and cleansing. Micah's Message of Hope: The shadows of our time are not unique. We're not the only generation knowing dark days. Micah preached to Israel when their enemies advanced. The seven chapters of Micah proclaim the justice of God and the hope of His ...
24 minutes | Thursday, 21 December 2023
In an age of "actualizing our potential" or "managing our personal flaws," sin has become absent. Yet there is no escape from the biblical truth. We are fallen beings unable to rise to God's requirement. Today Dr. John teaches from Micah 6 with its courtroom drama. God's demands are clear. We must "do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God." Yet we fail repeatedly to obey. That's why we need a Saviour. Micah's Message of Hope: The shadows of our time are not unique. We're not the only generation knowing dark days. Micah preached to Israel when their enemies advanced. The seven chap...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 20 December 2023
For children and adults alike, the wait for Christmas seems long. Its coming is not measured simply in days or weeks, but in anticipation and goosebumps. It may feel delayed simply because we long for it so much. The same is true for Jesus' second Advent and, in fact, for all the promises of God. Dr. John reminds us through Micah that despite what feels prolonged, hope sees and waits for the promises of God. Micah's Message of Hope: The shadows of our time are not unique. We're not the only generation knowing dark days. Micah preached to Israel when their enemies advanced. The seven chapter...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Our first thought when we hear the word "Advent" is about Christmas, and justly so. God has come to earth. Micah writes of Advent and acknowledges Bethlehem, but he looks further. The prophet speaks of Jesus' second advent and the righteousness of His earthly rule. Listen as Dr. John unpacks the plans of the Lord begun in Bethlehem, but much more is still to come. Micah's Message of Hope: The shadows of our time are not unique. We're not the only generation knowing dark days. Micah preached to Israel when their enemies advanced. The seven chapters of Micah proclaim the justice of God and th...
24 minutes | Monday, 18 December 2023
Good news comes when we are in need. From doctors, accountants or our GPS, the information is welcomed because we are sick, broke or lost. It's our plight that makes the news good. The good news from Micah about a Bethlehem birth is celebrated because we are under judgement. Listen as Dr. John echoes the prophet, clearly, we need a Saviour. Micah's Message of Hope: The shadows of our time are not unique. We're not the only generation knowing dark days. Micah preached to Israel when their enemies advanced. The seven chapters of Micah proclaim the justice of God and the hope of His people. In...
24 minutes | Friday, 15 December 2023
Only the naive and deluded deny the presence and power of sin and death. Our world can be a painful place. It does no good to cover our eyes or pretend that evil doesn't exist. It is real and requires a real answer. God provides that answer through Jesus Christ. Jesus defeats sin and death by His life, atonement, and resurrection. He comes to Bethlehem filled with light, grace, and truth. We do not have to pretend; our hope is real. Christmas: Hype or Hope?: In our culture, Christmas has become a celebration disjointed from its original intent. The party of Christmas overshadows the meaning...
24 minutes | Thursday, 14 December 2023
An engagement ring is a pledge of a wedded relationship. A down payment is a promise of ownership of a house. These are forecasts in part of what will be in whole. Jesus has come, yet there is still sin and death in our world. Today, Dr. John preaches that the arrival of Jesus in Bethlehem, His gospel teaching, powerful miracles, death and resurrection are unbreakable promises of God's Kingdom, both present and coming. Christmas: Hype or Hope?: In our culture, Christmas has become a celebration disjointed from its original intent. The party of Christmas overshadows the meaning of Christmas....
24 minutes | Wednesday, 13 December 2023
The story of Bethlehem is the promise of the prophet Micah. He predicted the birthplace of the Messiah. But he did more. Micah also predicts a time of global peace and righteousness. Listen as Dr. John rehearses the words of Micah. We will find that the One who is born is Bethlehem is the instrument and Ruler of peace. For those who long for peace, there is hope. Christmas: Hype or Hope?: In our culture, Christmas has become a celebration disjointed from its original intent. The party of Christmas overshadows the meaning of Christmas. In our society, it has the "too much makeup" appearance ...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Some look to government as a panacea for all things. They act as if good government can bring a utopia on earth. That's hype. It is an expectation that not only exceeds the government’s power, but it ignores the fallen nature of everyone in authority. But there is hope. Dr. John points to the only Ruler who is worthy to reign forever. He is promised by God and sung by angelic choirs. Christmas: Hype or Hope?: In our culture, Christmas has become a celebration disjointed from its original intent. The party of Christmas overshadows the meaning of Christmas. In our society, it has the "too muc...
24 minutes | Monday, 11 December 2023
How do we sift the meaning of Christmas from the celebration of the season? Some strive for simplicity by having fewer gifts or a smaller tree. Others make it a time of charity for the needy. But reducing the hype without discerning the hope of Christmas is no improvement. Dr. John reaches back to the Genesis beginning to remind us that in times of despair, God shines with redemptive hope.Christmas: Hype or Hope?: In our culture, Christmas has become a celebration disjointed from its original intent. The party of Christmas overshadows the meaning of Christmas. In our society, it has the "to...
24 minutes | Friday, 8 December 2023
At the end of John 6, we see many followers deserting Jesus. They could not accept His words nor surrender to His teaching. In their disagreement, they abandoned Jesus. Jesus did not change His words nor compromise to keep them. He does not yield to their expectations. We yield to Him. In our surrender we find the truth, as Peter confessed, "Jesus has the Words of life!"Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people seem to believe for awhile, but in due time will walk away. John 6 is an invitation to examine goo...
24 minutes | Thursday, 7 December 2023
The "Jesus" of our making is comforting and soothing. He nurtures our preferences and accepts our faults. But the Jesus of the Scriptures has always found opposition. Our culture (and every culture before us) has scorned Jesus because He doesn't fit our wishes or intentions. Listen as Dr. John itemizes the reasons for public offense. Nothing proves more offensive than the cross - the very means of deliverance and life.Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people seem to believe for awhile, but in due time will ...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 6 December 2023
In John chapter 6, we find phrases from Jesus that have caused confusion and controversy. Jesus speaks of "eating His flesh and drinking His blood." When the crowds heard it, some were offended. What did Jesus mean? Today Dr. John explains the teaching of Jesus and points us to our unshakeable hope - the atoning work of Jesus for our sins. Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people seem to believe for awhile, but in due time will walk away. John 6 is an invitation to examine good and bad reasons for believing...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 5 December 2023
It is common for people to consider Jesus with certain expectations in mind. But when what they have in mind doesn't match what Jesus says or does - they think the problem is with Him! They walk from faith feeling disappointed. Today we are reminded by Jesus that who He is exceeds any expectation we could have. Jesus is never less, always more. Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people seem to believe for awhile, but in due time will walk away. John 6 is an invitation to examine good and bad reasons for beli...
24 minutes | Monday, 4 December 2023
Life is filled with disappointments. Things do not always work out as planned, and we often don't get what we want. So, we might be excused for feeling insecure in this life. The problem is that we carry this insecurity into our spiritual life. Will God remember me? Will He reject me for my failures? Dr. John points us to the words of Jesus. We are held securely by the promise of God. We are assured of heaven not just because we want God; but because God wants us. Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people se...
24 minutes | Friday, 1 December 2023
How much money is enough? The cliched answer is "More!" More is the same expectation we have for love, hope, joy and peace. We are driven by seeking satisfaction in all our wants. That's not wrong, but often misplaced. Our sin is trying to find meaning and fulfillment in things, activities and relationships that don't last. Listen as Jesus points our cravings to the only full and permanent satisfaction. Why Follow Jesus?: John 6 is an evaluation of what it means to truly believe. Just like the Parable of the Sower, some people seem to believe for awhile, but in due time will walk away. John...
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Life Lessons From David: Finding Strength in God Alone
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