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Life Lessons From King David: God's Charter for the Human Race


24 minutes | Thursday, 22 February 2024
The leader of a nation usually dwells in its capital city. King David built his home in Jerusalem. But he wanted to do more. David wanted to build a house for God. He was not commanded to do so, but the King's heart moved his plans. Listen as Dr. John speaks on God's response to the intention of David. When David wanted to do something for God, God answers by doing something for David, but more. What God does proves to be the answer for all of history. Even you and me.Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King David comes to mind? Do you think of a man after God’s own h...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 21 February 2024
Jerusalem has been a global focus for three millennium. How did this city capture the attentions of Kings, nations, and countless devotees?  Dr. John traces the plans and actions of David as Israel’s new King. King David would make this place more than a national center. It would be a city for God's dwelling. Jesus would walk upon its streets.Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King David comes to mind? Do you think of a man after God’s own heart? Or perhaps a mighty king of Israel who, just like us, had a sinful nature. In this 10-message series from Back to the Bibl...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 20 February 2024
David's transition from military hero to King was not smooth. As one might expect, there were threats to his rise, competition from enemies and warfare among his followers and those still loyal to king Saul. Listen as Dr. John traces not just the events of David's ultimate crowning as King, but his response to those who opposed him. You will see glimpses in David of the greater King Jesus.Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King David comes to mind? Do you think of a man after God’s own heart? Or perhaps a mighty king of Israel who, just like us, had a sinful nature. ...
24 minutes | Monday, 19 February 2024
We tend to have binary thinking, that is, we prefer "either or" categories. Today's weather is sunny or showers; we can deal with either, but the partly sunny and partly rainy forecast is harder to prepare for. What we do with the weather, we do with people. As Dr. John begins this series on King David, he reminds us that David cannot be categorized as completely bad or good. He is just like us, a blending of both. Listen and learn how God loves and leads humans like us.Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King David comes to mind? Do you think of a man after God’s own...
24 minutes | Friday, 16 February 2024
Prayer is a means of grace. We find the favour and blessings of God not simply in the answers to our prayer, but in our praying. Today, Dr. John offers some practical insights to support and guide our personal, private times of prayer. These are places of grace.The Adventure of Prayer: Prayer. What is it? Why is it important? How should we actually pray? Does prayer even accomplish anything?These are four questions that Dr. John Neufeld will answer in this one-week series called The Adventure of Prayer. How we communicate with God is a multifaceted and layered thing that can be difficult to...
24 minutes | Thursday, 15 February 2024
If prayer is a communication of heart, then the question of "will" becomes important. We want something when we pray; but we pray to our Father of infinite wisdom, and His will steers the course of history. Today Dr. John speaks of the interplay of "will" when we pray. Clearly, we do not receive everything we want - unless what we want is God's will.The Adventure of Prayer: Prayer. What is it? Why is it important? How should we actually pray? Does prayer even accomplish anything?These are four questions that Dr. John Neufeld will answer in this one-week series called The Adventure of Prayer...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 14 February 2024
When you pray, who are you talking to? The obvious answer is God of course! But there is a theological framework at play in our prayers. Dr. John teaches today that our prayers are rightly addressed to the Father by the agency of the Son through the enablement of the Spirit. So, as our prayers are heard and answered, there is a Trinitarian response from God. All of God to all of us.The Adventure of Prayer: Prayer. What is it? Why is it important? How should we actually pray? Does prayer even accomplish anything?These are four questions that Dr. John Neufeld will answer in this one-week seri...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 13 February 2024
A well-known commercial for cell phones repeats the line, "Can you hear me now?" It is also echoed by believers when they address the throne of God. How can we be certain God is listening to our prayers? Dr. John teaches on the confidence for every praying believer. Our hope is not in our worthy life or eloquent words. We are heard because of Jesus Christ. The Adventure of Prayer: Prayer. What is it? Why is it important? How should we actually pray? Does prayer even accomplish anything?These are four questions that Dr. John Neufeld will answer in this one-week series called The Adventure of...
24 minutes | Monday, 12 February 2024
Prayer is simple enough for a child to learn, yet so profound that it holds mystery for the mature. Today Dr. John begins to teach on the nature of prayer - its necessity, effect and means. Everyone who prays and who wants to pray will benefit from this teaching. The Adventure of Prayer: Prayer. What is it? Why is it important? How should we actually pray? Does prayer even accomplish anything?These are four questions that Dr. John Neufeld will answer in this one-week series called The Adventure of Prayer. How we communicate with God is a multifaceted and layered thing that can be difficult ...
24 minutes | Friday, 9 February 2024
Every life is built. The entrepreneur with all their ambition is building their life. So too the lazy individual who lets the days slip by, is building with their indecision. Today Dr. John speaks of the fruit, treasure and foundation for living. Only in Jesus will our lives blossom, contain lasting treasure and withstand the coming flood. Lives built for eternity. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week serie...
24 minutes | Thursday, 8 February 2024
Our society is quick to judge. We immediately label someone or some situation with a tag that sticks. Jesus commands us not to judge. We can't see people's motives nor the whole story. Dr. John reminds us of Jesus' words that it is hard to see with a log in our eye! Most of all, in place of judgement, we are to extend mercy. Just like God does with us.A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week series, Dr. John Ne...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 7 February 2024
It is evident that loving our enemies is not the way of this world, nor the immediate default of those who follow Jesus. Still, that is what Jesus commands. Today in Dr. John's message, he teaches that this love can't be good intentions nor sentimental feelings. We love our enemies by doing good for them, blessing them, and praying for them. That's more than a Hallmark card. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 6 February 2024
Jesus begins this sermon with pronouncements of blessings and their corresponding woes. He offers these not as commands, but observations. Listen as Dr. John speak to the blessing upon those who live for God's Kingdom and the woes upon those who live for this world. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week series, Dr. John Neufeld points us to the Gospel of Luke and traces the intent of the only Gentile writer ...
24 minutes | Monday, 5 February 2024
Good things are worth repeating - a good joke, a family tradition, or a favourite movie. There is something to gain in the repetition, even though it is familiar. Dr. John introduces us to the Sermon of the Plain, very likely a re-telling of the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus. A different setting and different crowd, but the same truth and power which flowed from Jesus, who was happy to repeat grace upon grace. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particula...
24 minutes | Friday, 2 February 2024
Without looking, how many of the twelve disciples can you name? We may quickly answer with 4 or 5, but struggle as we get further down the list. Dr. John speaks today of Jesus selecting these twelve men to be His apostles. There was nothing outstanding about them, and the potential for internal conflict was great. But when Jesus called, they said, "Yes." Just like you.A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week se...
24 minutes | Thursday, 1 February 2024
Jesus was repeatedly accused of breaking the Sabbath. As One who came to fulfill the Law, how could He push against the Sabbath restrictions? Listen as Dr. John explains the laws of the Sabbath and what Jesus meant when He said that He is "Lord of the Sabbath."A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week series, Dr. John Neufeld points us to the Gospel of Luke and traces the intent of the only Gentile writer of a N...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 31 January 2024
If it is true that we can be known by our friendships, Jesus was accused of hanging out with the wrong people. Tax collectors and those with immoral reputations felt comfortable with Jesus. Dr. John reminds us today that Jesus came for sinners, who by faith become friends with God. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week series, Dr. John Neufeld points us to the Gospel of Luke and traces the intent of the only...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 30 January 2024
It's easy to say that your sins are forgiven. When said, there is no external sign; no voice from heaven, angelic song or flashes of glory. Today, Dr. John teaches on the healing of the paralytic. Jesus healed him as demonstration that He has power over body and soul. By the grace of God, this lame man could now walk in forgiveness and was assured of both. You can be assured too.A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this f...
24 minutes | Monday, 29 January 2024
There is conversation and debate about the role of faith and healing. Some suggest that if a miracle doesn't occur, the fault lies with the one who needs to be healed. If that's the case, they are doubly wounded. Not only are they sick, but they are to blame for missing out on their cure. Listen as Dr. John talks of a leper who came to Jesus for healing. It is the intersection of faith and compassion. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme ...
24 minutes | Friday, 26 January 2024
What right does a carpenter have to tell a fisherman what to do? But that is exactly what Jesus did to Simon Peter. After a long night of catching nothing, Jesus told Peter to go and throw the nets on the other side of the boat. Peter could have told Jesus to "stay in His lane." He probably thought it, because when he hauled up bulging nets of wiggling fish, he fell at Jesus’ feet and confessed he was a sinner. He thought Jesus should leave him, but Jesus invited this sinner to be His follower. Just like you and me.A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by...
24 minutes | Thursday, 25 January 2024
In Capernaum, Jesus found a broad reception. People came to hear His words. Many came to be healed, and Jesus tended to them all night long. Capernaum could have become a major center for Jesus' ministry, except for one thing. Jesus said He had to leave the town. Listen as Dr. John explains the motivation of Jesus' heart. In all things, Jesus fulfilled the wishes of His Father.A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this fou...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 24 January 2024
A policeman wears a badge and that gives him authority. A scholar is an expert in a certain field and that grants her authority. Parents have authority over their young children. Dr. John teaches from Luke on the authority of Jesus Christ proved by His words and works. Jesus has the authority of the Law, Wisdom, and Love. He has the authority of God Himself.A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week series, Dr. J...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 23 January 2024
A war hero would like to think that his hometown would welcome him with open arms. Someone who has reached a level of celebrity hopes that those who know him or her would be glad for their notoriety. What if it doesn't happen? Today Dr. John points to the reception Jesus had in the town of Nazareth, His hometown. Listen to Jesus' response and the lesson for us all.A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week series...
24 minutes | Monday, 22 January 2024
Every one of us knows the lure of temptation. It may be pride, greed, lust or self-centeredness that whispers to us; we all have heard it. Jesus was not immune to temptation, but faced this battle even as we do. Today Dr. John teaches on the three named temptations of Christ. Listen, not simply for a pattern for our own resistance to temptation, but to marvel and glory in our deliverance through the righteous life of our Saviour.A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they e...
24 minutes | Friday, 19 January 2024
Various companies make it possible to trace your lineage back to your ancestors via DNA. While the technology is new, the idea is not. Israel excelled at naming and tracing ancestors. Dr. John teaches on the lineage of Jesus given to us from Luke. He explains why it is different from Mathew's recorded lineage and highlights the importance of those differences. There is a message among the names. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and em...
24 minutes | Thursday, 18 January 2024
When lost, the first step is to stop going the wrong way. But the next step is even more vital to reaching our destination. We need to start going the right way. As John the Baptist came to prepare the way for Jesus, he preached a message of repentance. Today Dr. John reminds us that John's message was more than, "Stop!" It was also a time to "Start!" Listen to the new way of life that accords with repentance. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particul...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 17 January 2024
Dough must rise before the bread is baked. The ground is plowed before a planting. Fruit must ripen to be enjoyed. The idea of preparation is all around us. So too for the arrival of Jesus. Israel had to be prepared for the arrival of the Messiah. That preparation was the work of John the Baptist. Listen as Dr. John teaches on the timing, nature, and content of John's message. It was time for Israel to get ready. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a parti...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 16 January 2024
As a rule, the Scriptures do not satisfy our curiosity. We have more questions than God gives answers. The childhood of Jesus is one area of interest that is met with silence - except for Luke. He is the only gospel writer that speaks of Jesus in His youth. Listen as Dr. John teaches on the single incident of Jesus' boyhood which demonstrates His lifelong commitment. A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week ser...
24 minutes | Monday, 15 January 2024
The rise of social media has given rise to suspicion as well. We read something online and wonder if we can trust it as credible. If that applies to things current, can we trust something written 2000 years ago? Dr. John begins this series on Luke's gospel with reasons why we can stand on what was written. Every believer needs to know the certainty of what they believe.A Firm Grip on the Gospel: Anyone who has read the four Gospels is struck by how different they are. These accounts focus on the life and death of Jesus, yet they each have a particular theme and emphasis. In this four-week s...
24 minutes | Friday, 12 January 2024
Victory is a time to celebrate. A sport team raises their trophy. Balloons descend while energetic music blares at a politician's triumph. Some will even "trash talk" their failed opponent. Today we watch David in a time of victory. His enemy Saul is dead. His pathway to the throne was cleared. Yet, David forbids celebration and laments. Victory is a time to be humble. Life Lessons From David: The life of David is full of lessons that we can still learn from today. David's faith and journey with God is an amazing example of God's patience and unconditional love for His people. By joining Dr...
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Life Lessons From King David: God's Charter for the Human Race
Back To The Bible Canada

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