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Never Alone: The Spread of Joy


24 minutes | Thursday, 4 April 2024
It's hard to imagine that our difficult times can become a cause of encouragement for others. Yet, you know that it is true. The story of God's deliverance for us becomes hope and joy to those who hear. Listen as Dr. John teaches on David's experience. He was isolated in trouble, but shared God's rescue as cause for community celebration. Never Alone: Isolation is a problem in our society. Many feel alone and distant from one another. But when you are in pain, the isolation is accentuated. Nothing makes suffering more difficult than feeling that you must bear it alone. But we are never alon...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 3 April 2024
The world can be a dangerous place. There are dangers we see and try to avoid. There are unseen dangers that we are susceptible to because of our ignorance. In Psalm 22 David sees that he is surrounded by enemies like bulls and lions - powerful, terrifying. He calls to God for deliverance. Listen as Dr. John teaches that despite our vulnerable places - we are safe with God.Never Alone: Isolation is a problem in our society. Many feel alone and distant from one another. But when you are in pain, the isolation is accentuated. Nothing makes suffering more difficult than feeling that you must b...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 2 April 2024
To be forsaken is bad. To be betrayed is worse. In Psalm 22 David thinks of those that have turned their backs to him. They have treated him as if he was valueless. But since God created him, David has value before God. Dr. John reminds each of us that regardless of how others treat us, we find our hope and approval in God. Never Alone: Isolation is a problem in our society. Many feel alone and distant from one another. But when you are in pain, the isolation is accentuated. Nothing makes suffering more difficult than feeling that you must bear it alone. But we are never alone! This 5-messa...
24 minutes | Monday, 1 April 2024
Psalm 22 is a song about suffering unjustly. It tells the experience of King David. It points to the innocent suffering of Jesus. Perhaps it echoes your own experience. Today, Dr. John begins to unpack this song and reminds each of us that we are not alone. Our pains may tell us that God is distant. Our faith whispers that He is near. Never Alone: Isolation is a problem in our society. Many feel alone and distant from one another. But when you are in pain, the isolation is accentuated. Nothing makes suffering more difficult than feeling that you must bear it alone. But we are never alone! T...
24 minutes | Friday, 29 March 2024
It is readily granted that resurrection sounds too good to be true! In fact, alive from the dead can sound like a fable. But it is no fable. Dr. John walks us through the undeniable evidence for Jesus' resurrection. From the fact of an empty tomb. testimony of eye witnesses and the life changing impact upon believers, the evidence of Jesus' resurrection is credible to believe. It is a foundation for faith.  The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is central to Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Chri...
24 minutes | Thursday, 28 March 2024
Death is the inevitability that we all must face. We may try to delay it with healthy regiments and medical procedures - but death arrives for everyone. We are powerless before it. Jesus is not. His resurrection is a victory cry over the grave. Today Dr. John reminds us that while death visits everyone, at His second coming Jesus shares His victory with us all. We shall be raised. The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is central to Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this series of messa...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 27 March 2024
Corruption and decay are laws of this world. A tree grows, falls and turns back to the earth. Time brings a decline to everything and everyone that ends in death. That is the natural order. But resurrection is supernatural. Dr. John teaches on God's great reversal of what has always been. Corruption becomes incorruptible. Weakness becomes power. Death becomes glorious life.The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is central to Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this series of messages, Dr....
24 minutes | Tuesday, 26 March 2024
It's understandable that some of the Corinthians had questions about the resurrection, even as we do. Paul taught the certainty of physical resurrection both for Jesus and us. Despite the clarity of this truth, some mystery remains. Dr. John teaches of three metaphors Paul uses to describe the resurrection. A seed and a plant. The variety of life on earth. The glory of the sun and moon. Listen as each illustration points to the wonders of our resurrection. The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is c...
24 minutes | Monday, 25 March 2024
Resurrection is an event of the past. It also points to our eternal future. But what implication does it have for the present? What difference does the resurrection make for the now? Today Dr. John points to implications of the resurrection for our moral lives. We will find both motivation and hope for godly living. Without the resurrection, we might as well live for today. But the fact of the resurrections leads us to a strong moral center. The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is central to Easte...
24 minutes | Friday, 22 March 2024
We are not simply products of our past. We are shaped by our future. The hope of the resurrection impacts our living today. It grants courage and perseverance to battle for God's Kingdom in the now. It offers comfort and confidence through the victory of our Lord. It assures us that death itself will be defeated for us all.The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is central to Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this series of messages, Dr. John teaches through 1 Corinthians 15 and demonstr...
24 minutes | Thursday, 21 March 2024
It would not be hard to convince someone about the certainty of death. It is all around us and undeniable. Paul uses the reality of death passed to all humanity from Adam as certainty of the resurrection promised us in Jesus Christ. All in Jesus Christ will be raised.The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is central to Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this series of messages, Dr. John teaches through 1 Corinthians 15 and demonstrates the certainty and centrality of Jesus' physical resu...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 20 March 2024
Do you believe in life after death? If so, what type of life do we have after death? As Paul responds to the questions and misunderstandings among the Corinthians about the resurrection, he focuses on the fact of physical resurrection. Listen as Dr. John offers seven reasons why physical resurrection is necessary for Jesus Christ and our own hope. The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is central to Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this series of messages, Dr. John teaches through 1 Co...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 19 March 2024
If a confused hiker who has lost his way starts wandering down every path, they are likely to get more lost. It is better to get your bearings and stand on what you know. Then you can find your way. Today Dr. John teaches on the bearings Paul reminded the Corinthians of. Jesus' death. Eyewitnesses to His resurrection. The transformation of His followers. These are our bearings as well.The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is central to Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this series of m...
24 minutes | Monday, 18 March 2024
Before Paul begins to explain the resurrection to the Corinthians, he focuses on the death of Jesus Christ. It stands to reason. There can't be a resurrection unless there is a death. But Paul wants the Corinthians to grip the importance of Jesus' death - in fact it is of first importance. Listen as Dr. John speaks of the penal, substitutionary atonement of Jesus. Our faith rests upon it.The Resurrection: Like Christmas, our society has added cultural symbols to Easter. Lilies, bunnies, and chocolate. Of course, what is central to Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this series o...
24 minutes | Friday, 15 March 2024
If Hebrews is written to persuade Christian Jews to not return to Judaic ways, what is its relevance to us? While many references to the priesthood of the Old Testament may seem opaque to us, this truth stands. We all need a Priest to intercede for us. Jesus is our High Priest who ushers us before the Father. Listen as Dr. John teaches why Jesus is superior above all. Let these truths be cause for our firm faith and joyous worship to our Lord.Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercessions on beh...
24 minutes | Thursday, 14 March 2024
Given a choice, we would prefer the convenience of cell phones instead of looking for a phone booth. We are glad that electric lights have replaced kerosene lamps. That which is obsolete ceases to be necessary or helpful. The Judaic priesthood ended in 70 AD with the destruction of the temple. Dr. John explains that the imperfect passes so the perfect may remain. The High Priesthood of Jesus is eternally perfect, offering us hope which never passes away.Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercess...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 13 March 2024
People may cheer for the same team year after year, despite a consistent losing record. You may applaud their consistency, but the fact is, they never taste victory. Today Dr. John speaks of the Priesthood of Jesus, after the order of Melchizedek, doing what the priesthood of Aaron could never do. The superior has surpassed the inferior. The eternal replaces the temporal. Why does it matter? Because only in Jesus is victory assured.Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercessions on behalf of the ...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 12 March 2024
Hebrews establishes that Jesus is our Great High Priest. But there are some questions the readers need addressed. Jesus was not from the tribe of Levi, but of Judah. How could Jesus be a High Priest when He was not from the priestly tribe? Hebrews points to a different order of priests - the priesthood of Melchizedek. Who was he? Dr. John explains who he was and why his priesthood is greater than that of Levi. Jesus is not disqualified as High Priest but magnified greater than any earthly priesthood.Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest ...
24 minutes | Monday, 11 March 2024
What's the ground on which hope stands? Is it a natural sunny disposition? Is hope the product of a "charmed life" or reading the circumstances around you in the best light possible? If hope is simply an expression of optimism, then those foundations may last for a while and for a few. Today Dr. John teaches on the sure grounding for hope for all believers, in all situations, for all time. Listen and let your hope be affirmed and refreshed.Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercessions on behalf...
24 minutes | Friday, 8 March 2024
Many times, we are attracted to bad news. We listen to the whisper of our fears. Having heard the warning of apostacy in Hebrews, now we are consumed by worry that we might fall away! Dr. John speaks of hope in place of fear. The warnings of God are not ignored, but the grace of His hand is greater than the sum of our fears. We are held in the grip of God. We trust Him more than we trust ourselves. Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercessions on behalf of the people. They act as mediators betw...
24 minutes | Thursday, 7 March 2024
We are surrounded by warnings. We are warned not to eat detergent pods, not to crank the volume on our ear buds, not to drive drowsy. There are so many warnings, we become immune to them. That is a problem. Dr. John points to a warning in Hebrews that can't be ignored. We disregard it to the detriment of our soul. The warning is both a caution and a hope. Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercessions on behalf of the people. They act as mediators between the human and Divine. It becomes readily...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 6 March 2024
Not everyone who begins a journey completes it. Not everyone who progresses through school matures. Growth is a sign of health. Not growing suggests a problem. Today, Dr. John points to the admonition of Hebrews that our spiritual appetites ought to move from milk to solid food. Stagnation and complacency are not the design God has for us.Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercessions on behalf of the people. They act as mediators between the human and Divine. It becomes readily obvious why Jesu...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 5 March 2024
Jesus is our King, Prophet and Priest. He has the power to rule, the authority to speak and the grace to intercede for us all. Today Dr. John reminds us that Jesus' role as High Priest was a calling from the Father and that Jesus embraced the office through painful obedience. He did not resist the Father's call nor shrink from the suffering of His submission. He did it all for us.Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercessions on behalf of the people. They act as mediators between the human and D...
24 minutes | Monday, 4 March 2024
If a priest acts before God on behalf of the people, who acts on behalf of the priest? Every human priest is sinful and fallible. By the mercy of God, a sacrifice was provided annually on the Day of Atonement. Listen as Dr. John points to Jesus, our High Priest who alone is perfect and needs no sacrifice for sin. Rather, He becomes the sufficient sacrifice made once and made for all. Jesus, Our High Priest: A priest stands as intercessor between God and humanity. The priest offers prayers, sacrifices, and makes intercessions on behalf of the people. They act as mediators between the human a...
24 minutes | Friday, 1 March 2024
Fairy tales end with, "they lived happily ever after." But life is no fairy tale, and the ending of our days and efforts is not guaranteed to be happy. Today, Dr. John teaches on the ending of King David's reign. It is not a finale we would write. King David sins out of pride and Israel is judged by God's avenging angel. But the final scene of King David is saturated with grace and mercy. God extends mercy on the very spot where Abraham was about to offer his son - the very spot where Jesus died to rescue us. A happy ending.Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King Dav...
24 minutes | Thursday, 29 February 2024
King David had faced his share of enemies. He was battle hardened. But even all of this did not prepare him for rebellion and warfare from his own son, Absalom. There was pride and arrogance from Absalom and his advisors, which led to their downfall. But God walked King David though a period of public humility, in which he found God's grace and restoration to the throne. Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King David comes to mind? Do you think of a man after God’s own heart? Or perhaps a mighty king of Israel who, just like us, had a sinful nature. In this 10-message...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 28 February 2024
A boy can be forgiven for throwing the rock that shatters a window - but he may still have to pay for the repair. A man can be forgiven for driving drunk and killing another driver, but he still lives with the painful consequence. King David is forgiven for his transgressions, but his actions sowed trouble in his own family. Dr. John teaches today of the challenges and troubles David faced in his own home. It's a story we can learn from. Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King David comes to mind? Do you think of a man after God’s own heart? Or perhaps a mighty king ...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 27 February 2024
If we are lost, stopping and turning in the right direction is the best course. If we are suffering from cancer, a proper diagnosis and treatment is the path to healing, even if it is hard and painful. When David was confronted with his sin, the harsh words of Nathan the prophet were key to David's restoration. Listen as Dr. John speaks on the grace and blessing of repentance. Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King David comes to mind? Do you think of a man after God’s own heart? Or perhaps a mighty king of Israel who, just like us, had a sinful nature. In this 10-m...
24 minutes | Monday, 26 February 2024
Anyone can fall into a hidden trap. Walking through a wooded area and stepping on false ground will result in a fall. But if the danger was highlighted by signs and marked by ropes, it would be foolish to ignore the warnings and step over the rope. That's what David does. Dr. John points to the steps David took and the warnings he ignored as he gazed upon Bathsheba. Lust clothed in arrogance led David to adultery, lies and murder. This was no fall. It was a jump. Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King David comes to mind? Do you think of a man after God’s own heart?...
24 minutes | Friday, 23 February 2024
A Kingdom cannot simply be declared, it must be won. There are dangers within and without for every kingdom. Today Dr. John teaches about David's actions meant to ensure the Kingdom is firm. We find the actions of a warrior against enemy threats. We also find the actions of a friend who deals compassionately with the descendants of Saul and Jonathan. A kingdom is established by both strength and gentleness.Life Lessons From King David: What do you think about when King David comes to mind? Do you think of a man after God’s own heart? Or perhaps a mighty king of Israel who, just like us, had...
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Never Alone: The Spread of Joy
Back To The Bible Canada

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