Vulnerability is synonomous with weakeness, right? Well, not necessarily. It's harder to navigate how we unpack this, but it can stregnthen us and build relationships. Listen and Le and Rachel unpack this very important topic
What has your week looked like? It could be many things that God has shown you. Rachel and Le go through what God has spoken to them this week. Focus with less distractions as well as being less self-seeking to create unity.
Do you feel broken? How do you get "fixed"? How do you mend? Where do you turn to? What can you do? God's instruction book to life tells us. Listen to Rachel and Le as they journey through this topic.
We have a conversation this week about a couple of things that hit us over the head. Especially the ones we identify as God moments. Rachel's trip directs her to a moment where she is reminded that the universe moves together to provide her peace where she needs it and Le gets hit with lessons of criticism and how she sees this working in her past and present.
Where are you on this spectrum? Do you do it all until you drop? Or do you do nothing and wait for someone else to pick up your share? What does the Bible tell us?
It's a new year and a new season of Renew! Do you do it all until you drop? Maybe you do nothing and wait for someone else to pick up the slack! Join Rachel and Le and we discuss this and ask what the bible says about it!
Diving into the study about Hope in the Darkness by Craig Groeschel, Rachel and Le talk about what they've learned in the book of Habakkuk. How do ypi deal with grief and Darkness when it comes your way? Are you able to wait on the precipice for God's answer?
Do you struggle with being content? What are some ways you can love in contentment and be happy where you're at.
We all question ourselves at one point or another. Even if we are confident in what we are doing, who we are or where we are going. Do you second guess yourself when you thought you made the right decision? Listen in as Rachel and Le discover self doubt within ourselves.
We often want to feel our worth and to be valued. That's healthy. But sometimes, focusing inward and forgetting to look outward or more importantly, upward can be a detriment to us as well. Listen in as Rachel and Le talk about how it is important to stay humble.
Have you ever thought about what your outlook in life was as a child or a teenager? How about now? Did you end up where you dreamed you would be or have you experienced loss, disappointment or even crisis? Let's talk about how we navigate things unwanted but also things hoped for.
How do we show kindness to people who get on our nerves? The guy who cuts you off in traffic? The knees in your seat back on a plane?
I bet if you close your eyes and think really hard someone will come to mind. If you are struggling with being kind to people you find annoying... well you're human, and you also need to listen.
It's their favourite topic! Relationships. LIsten in as Rachel and Le discuss these three type of relationships - Reason, Season and Lifetime and why God has created all these for you!
Pride is ever-prevalent in our lives but being aware and yearning to be humble can change all things. Not knowing what God intended for the future is also a constant contention. Join Rachel and Le as they discuss these two points and how they are looking at this in their lives
Join Rachel and Le as they discuss what Good Friday and Easter means to them. Reflect as Jesus' death and ressurection is both bad/sad news but the good news is coming because Sunday is right around the corner.
This week we’ve got a conversation for you all about time.How we use it, our best intentions for it and all the potential it holds.Planning vs spontaneity, what’s your preference? Can you guess how Rachel and Le like time to roll?
How do you stay afloat? Do the waves keep pushing you down and down? Where do you find comfort in suffering? Join Rachel and Le as they share how suffering can turn into comfort in the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Have you ever said something and immediately wanted to retract what came out? It's like putting toothpaste back into the tube. It just doesn't work that way. That's why it's important to not regret what comes out of our mouths. Scripture provides guidance on how we should treat one another with our words. Tune in as Rachel and Le uncover these truths.
What is Lent? What is Shrove Tuesday? Why do we fast? Rachel and Le discuss these traditions and how it lets us draw closer to God. God is gracious and we can always count on him to be patiently waiting for us to run to him.
We dive further into Rachel's word for this year - "Joy". What brings you Joy? How do you find it? Listen in as Rachel and Le shares where they find Joy. We also discover the Joy that comes when you find out how much you mean to Christ. If you know how unique you are and how you are loved, that alone should bring the warm and fuzzies to your heart and soul.
Jesus is our very model of who we would like to be. How can we be like Jesus without knowing His character? And after diving into His character, Rachel and Le have a great exercise for you to affirm your beliefs based on scripture. Don't let those lies get you down. Jesus knows you are so much more.
Ever make a quick judgement call when someone does not seem Christ-like? Have you checked yourself lately? What does it take to have salvation? People say: She doesn't act like a Christian. God says: I'm not looking for actors; I look at her heart. Rachel shares how being overwhelmed is something that she's far too familiar with. But what could it look like if we were overwhelmed by the right things? Today's conversation is a good one friends!
Time is a special thing. You can't stop it, you can't slow it down and you can't buy it back. As you age, it appears to even go faster. What are you doing with your time? Listen in as Rachel and Le discuss the fleeting moment of time. Rachel also reveals her word of the year for 2024 and tells us how she plans on using her time in 2024 with her word of the year. Tune in to find out!
Do you feel like you need a reset? Now that 2023 has passed, did you reflect on your year and took the chance to learn from it and move on? 2024 is here and what an opportunity! Join Le and she shares how God is preparing her for the new year and hopefully get you thinking about yours!
Rachel and Le always start the show with something that made them smile. When talking about Joy, it is more than what makes you smile. journeyvwith them as they explore Jou as a feeling, state of mind or choice that can be made. Are you joyful this season?
Rachel and Le have spoken about peace before so this is nothing new but there is something about peace at Christmastime. Is your season chaotic and full of worry? Give it all to Jesus and let Him be the peace your life desperately needs.
Pilot to Control Tower: Advent 1 - Hope
Gratitude is something that is intentional and soul satisfying. If you haven't been thankful today, check out what Rachel and Le say about staying thankful every day. And what more are we thankful for than our Heavenly Father giving us relationships with each other in the form of friendship. Let's do life together!
Do you need a gentle reminder of God's love? Do you need to rest in His peace? Join Rachel and Le as they reflect on how much we mean to God. If you struggle with identity and acceptance, find out who you really are and who it is that can tell you.
We hear a lot about mental health and mental illness but how do we approach such topics when it affects us or people we know? Scripture has a lot to say about it. Join Rachel and Le as they discuss how we react to this topic and what we should do for each other as Christian brothers and sisters.