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Mission Compass Galcom

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Episode 47: July 22, 2023


27 minutes | Monday, 24 July 2023
This week, we hear from Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International and she shares a testimony on the cost of becoming a Christian in areas of the world hostile to the faith. We also get an update from Tom Blackstone of Galcom USA; he recounts his recent trip to the Dominican Republic. Do you have a skill or ability that you feel God is calling you to use for His kingdom? Tune into the Mission Compass and find out how you can get involved in the Great Commission!
27 minutes | Monday, 17 July 2023
Join us this week on the Mission Compass when we talk to Toe-Blake Roy of BLF Canada—Bibles & Literature in French, as he shares about their ministry and outreach to those in Quebec. We also get an update from Stan Jeter, Founder and CEO of Global News Alliance, and he once again gives us some tips and tricks on how we can share God’s story using our cell phones. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!
28 minutes | Monday, 10 July 2023
Tune in to Mission Compass and let us be your guide to the Great Commission! This week, we hear from Susan Henson, Co-founder of Compassionate Hope: a Christ-centered organization focused on providing hope and a future to victims of human trafficking in Southeast Asia. Every morning, our team at Galcom prays for an unreached people group, and our Communications Team Lead, Faye Whatford, joins us to share about the Coastal Swahili people in Kenya. Listen in and find out how you can get involved in the Great Commission!
26 minutes | Monday, 3 July 2023
Join us this week when we chat with Winnie Ochieng of Via; she describes what they are doing to reach the people of Kenya with the Gospel. We also hear from Bonnie Sala, president and CEO of Guidelines International, as she shares a testimony of how God is changing lives in the Philippines. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!
26 minutes | Monday, 26 June 2023
On this week's Mission Compass show, we catch up with Stan Jeter of Global News Alliance as he continues to coach on how anyone can be a journalist by using their smartphone. We also hear from Alex Henderson of Katalyst World Partners, as he shares how this ministry accelerates the global Church with sustainable strategies through mobilization, collaboration, and innovation. Tune in, get inspired and get involved in the Great Commission!#TheGreatCommission #missioncompass #guidelines #reset #JesusPeople #reachingtheunreached
26 minutes | Monday, 19 June 2023
This week on our program, we have exciting news from Bonnie Sala and Guidelines ministry: they have a great assessment tool to pinpoint your gifts to minister to others. Visit and click on the “What is God’s Calling for Your Life?” link to take the assessment. We also hear an update from our R&D Engineer, Pierre-Yves Mutrux, on his recent trip to a media conference in Thailand. Are you interested in trying out short-term missions? We have a great story from Les Peters, Founder and Field Director of Impact Ministries; they focus on equipping and sending people to share their t...
26 minutes | Monday, 12 June 2023
Join us this week as we get an update from Matt Dickson, founder of Eggpreneur, an initiative that equips, trains, and supports women running micro-enterprises in developing countries. We also have an update from our most recent radio-distribution trip led by our Missions Team Lead, Al Wyatt. Tune in and find out how you can serve in the Great Commission!
27 minutes | Monday, 5 June 2023
Join us this week on the Mission Compass and find out how you can get involved in the Great Commission! This week, we talk with Paul Richardson, President of the Bible League Canada; he shares ways you can go deeper with people so they can understand the fullness of Jesus Christ. We also get an update from Stan Jeter, Founder and CEO of Global News Alliance. He continues to share testimonies of regular people witnessing of how God is still moving in the world. If you want to serve, but don’t know how or where, tune into the Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission.
27 minutes | Monday, 29 May 2023
Are you a friend of Galcom International, but don’t listen to the Mission Compass? Listen and let us be your guide! This week we catch up with our longtime partner, Alex Muir, Missionary Mobilizer at Pioneers Canada, who just returned from a radio-distribution mission trip to Bolivia. He shares with us how one small solar-powered radio has ministered to an entire family, generation after generation. Bonnie Sala joins us this week with an encouraging word from her Reset Devotional and a story of how God is moving through the Guidelines Ministry using Christian radio. Get encouraged; and more...
27 minutes | Monday, 22 May 2023
On the Mission Compass, we talk with someone who is involved in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in order to inspire you. This week we hear from Mike Reimer, Canadian Director of Avant Ministries. He just went back to visit the Guarani people in Bolivia, and he shares about the impact the Gospel has had with this people group. Mark Kordic from the Alliance for the Unreached joins us to talk about the Day for the Unreached, coming this Pentecost Sunday. Tune in and find out how you can get involved.
26 minutes | Monday, 15 May 2023
Did you know that you are qualified to be a missionary? Yes, you most definitely are! That is why, every week on the Mission Compass radio show, we introduce you to a different agency to see where you can get involved, serving in the Great Commission. Let us be your guide! This show, we chat with Paul Hudson from Carey International Pastoral Training. Maybe you are a pastor and want to travel the world, training and equipping men and women to become pastors in their own context. We also catch up with Stan Jeter of the Global News Alliance, who shares tips and tricks on how we can use our sm...
26 minutes | Monday, 8 May 2023
Join us on the Mission Compass and let us be your guide to the Great Commission. This week, we focus on refugees and immigrants. You don’t have to travel around the world to be a missionary; you can show them the love of Jesus right here in North America. We hear from Dr. Chris Carr of Global Gates about how they minister to refugees and immigrants in “gateway” cities. Galcom USA Director Tom Blackstone travelled down to the border between Texas and Mexico, handing out solar-powered audio Bibles and meeting both practical and spiritual needs. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved today!
27 minutes | Monday, 1 May 2023
Tune in this week as Francis Njoroge, our consulting engineer from Kenya, finishes telling us about his incredible journey through Africa. Spoiler alert, he did make it safely to South Sudan! We also touch base with Steve Johnson of the Alliance for the Unreached; he shares about ways we all can get involved in the upcoming Day for the Unreached on May 28th, Pentecost Sunday. And our special guest this week is Samphal Makara, the director of Krusa FM in Cambodia; he describes how they minister to a largely Buddhist nation using radio. You don’t want to miss this episode, so listen in, get e...
27 minutes | Monday, 24 April 2023
At Mission Compass, we want to guide you into serving Jesus Christ with your God-given skills and abilities. This week, we hear from Stan Jeter from Global News Alliance, and he is going to give you a few tips and tricks on how you can be a Gospel news reporter by just using your cell phone. We also hear from Bernice Huinink, a missionary to Guatemala, as she talks about her latest trip to minister to the people there. Maybe you will be inspired to go on a Galcom mission trip? And Francis Njoroge, our consulting engineer from Kenya, shares about his recent trials and tribulations travelling...
25 minutes | Monday, 17 April 2023
Every week on Mission Compass, we highlight an organization that can equip you in serving in the Great Commission. This week, we hear from Dr. David Zietsma, President of Redeemer University, right here in Galcom’s hometown of Hamilton, Ontario. Maybe you are thinking about attending, or you have a child or grandchild that is interested in attending this accredited university. We also hear God’s Word through the ministry of Guidelines International. Every morning, all the staff at Galcom gather and get inspired by the Reset devotional, so we share it with you here at Mission Compass. Get in...
26 minutes | Monday, 10 April 2023
Every week on the Mission Compass show, we introduce you to some one who is serving God in a unique way, to spark ideas of where you might fit in the Great Commission. This week, Steve Johnson shares about Door International, an outreach ministry to the deaf. Tune in and find out about this incredibly large and forgotten people group. We also hear from Alex Dykstra of MoveIn, a ministry of people who intentionally move in to a marginalized neighborhood in order to minister to groups from all over the world, right here in Canada. Great Commission living is about being in the place where peop...
26 minutes | Monday, 3 April 2023
Every week on the Mission Compass, we connect with people who are serving God with their skills and abilities in the Great Commission. This time, we catch up with Dennis Wiens of SAT-7, a wonderful TV ministry reaching the Middle East. Dennis talks to us about what they are doing practically to help earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria. Tune in and find out how you can come alongside them and serve with them in the Great Commission. 
26 minutes | Monday, 27 March 2023
Here at Mission Compass, we want you to share the Good News of Jesus and get involved in the Great Commission. This week, we hear from Chad Bruneski, President of the Great Commission Foundation. He shares all about how their ministry comes alongside other ministries to help particularly with their accounting, governance, and administrative tasks. We also hear from Tom Blackstone of Galcom USA about their outreach work and humanitarian aid to Türkiye and Syria. There are so many ways to get involved, so tune in and find out where you fit!
27 minutes | Monday, 20 March 2023
Mark your calendars! May 28th, Pentecost Sunday, is also the Day for the Unreached, and Steve Johnson of the Alliance for the Unreached joins us to tell you all about to connect with the one-third of the world who has never heard the Gospel. Every week, we hear an encouraging word from God through Bonnie Sala and her Reset devotional; listen to find out what God might be saying to you this week. Lastly, we reconnect with Mark Lori-Amini of Hayate Abadi Ministries, and he wants to tell you all about the fastest growing church…in Iran! Get encouraged and get involved in the Great Commission. ...
26 minutes | Monday, 13 March 2023
We have a very exciting show for you this week on Mission Compass. Our good friend and hero to many, Russell Stendal, author of Rescue the Captors, joins us to share how he has been reaching out to Colombia and neighboring Venezuela. We will also hear an update from Stan Jeter from Global News Alliance on great things happening in Buenos Aires, and how you can evangelize by using your cell phone. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!
25 minutes | Monday, 6 March 2023
Tune in this week to Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission. This week we hear from a missionary working with the Uyghur people in western China; they are a persecuted people group and do not have a lot of opportunities to hear the Gospel. We want to keep you informed on worldwide events and how radio is reaching thousands of people with the Gospel of Jesus every day! Get inspired and get involved somehow, some way in the Great Commission. 
26 minutes | Monday, 27 February 2023
This week on Mission Compass, we hear from our good friend Dan Reese of TWR Canada; Trans World Radio is celebrating an incredible 50 years in ministry. We also hear an update from Bill Ball of the Slavic Gospel Association on this first anniversary of the start of war in Ukraine. He fills us in on how they are coming alongside pastors and people to help them in concrete ways. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!
26 minutes | Monday, 20 February 2023
Join us this week, when we speak to Brandt Whatley of Ethnos Canada working in the Arctic. Yes, the Arctic! He also talks about growing up as a missionary kid. Also, our good friend, previous board member, and volunteer area rep Ron Huinink tells us about his recent volunteer trip installing radio stations on Indigenous land. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!
25 minutes | Monday, 13 February 2023
Join us this week, when we speak to Brandt Whatley of Ethnos Canada working in the Arctic. Yes, the Arctic! He also talks about growing up as a missionary kid. Stan Jeter of Global News Alliance shares how you can get involved in the Great Commission using your smartphone. Lastly, our good friend, Board member, and volunteer area rep Ron Huinink tells us about his recent volunteer trip installing radio stations on Indigenous land. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!
26 minutes | Monday, 6 February 2023
This week on Mission Compass, we continue our conversation with Chung Soo Kim of FEBC Korea. Missionaries are not allowed into North Korea, but radio waves know no borders! We also hear from our very own Missions Team Lead, Alastair Wyatt, and he gives us an update on one of Galcom’s longest partnerships in the Great Commission, with the Guambianos; they are an indigenous people group in Colombia. Last, but not least, our good friend Steve Johnson from Alliance for the Unreached joins us to share about some exciting ministries. So, tune in, get inspired, and get involved!
27 minutes | Monday, 30 January 2023
Join us on Mission Compass and let us be your guide to the Great Commission! This week, we hear from Chung Soo Kim from Far East Broadcasting in South Korea. 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the Billy Graham crusade in Seoul which sparked a national revival, with waves and ripples still being felt today. Tom Blackstone of Galcom USA joins us to share about his recent trip to Belize, and what God is doing in this country. Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International is also here to tell a great story about Ahmed, a converted Muslim who suffers for his faith. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved! 
26 minutes | Monday, 23 January 2023
This week we hear from Byron Miller, missionary to Bolivia. Byron spent a week at the Galcom office in Hamilton, Ontario, learning how to fix our older radios in preparation for his next trip, where he will repair the well-loved, broken units he encounters in Bolivia. We hear from Stan Jeter of the Global News Alliance, giving us an update on what God is doing around the world. And check out Tim’s interview with Charlotte Martin, Director of Missions at P2C students. If you are 18 to 25 years of age, she has a great opportunity for you. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!
26 minutes | Monday, 16 January 2023
This week on Mission Compass, we continue our conversation with Robin Wallar, lead pastor of LIFT Church, right here in Hamilton, Ontario. Their mission field is McMaster University! Tune in and find out how you can get involved in reaching university students and faculty with the good news of Jesus Christ. We also finish our conversation with Reuben Vermeulen, MAF pilot and missionary to South Sudan, where 3 out 4 people do not read. Yes, you read that right! This is why his work of delivering solar-powered, fix-tuned radios is so important. Don’t miss it!
25 minutes | Monday, 9 January 2023
Join us this week on the Mission Compass as we begin a new year full of great stories from the mission field. On this week’s program, we hear from Reuben Vermuelen, MAF pilot, about his adventures in South Sudan using his gifts and talents. Robin Wallar, the pastor of LIFT Church in Hamilton, ON, shares with us how his church uses missionaries to share the Gospel with university students; and last but not least, our good friend Steve Johnson from Alliance for the Unreached gives us a ministry update you don’t want to miss. 
26 minutes | Monday, 26 December 2022
Why does the Mission Compass exist? Because we want to be your guide to the Great Commission! Join us this week as we chat with Mark Kroes, Executive Director of OMS (One Mission Society), telling us about ways we can get involved worldwide; Jeremy Doorten of e3 Partners also joins us, sharing with you about interesting short-term mission opportunities. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!You can contact Mark Kroes directly at 519-313-3314.
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Episode 47: July 22, 2023
Mission Compass Galcom

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