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Ep. 264: Focusing on Jesus in a Distracted World


29 minutes | Monday, 12 April 2021
Have you considered what it means to be a leader? Quality leaders, people you trust, people you would choose to emulate for their integrity, wisdom, character seem to be in short supply. Join indoubt host Daniel and guest Steve Brown, president of Arrow Leadership as they discuss the ultimate leader found in the life of… The post Ep. 264: Focusing on Jesus in a Distracted World appeared first on indoubt.
35 minutes | Monday, 5 April 2021
Do I really matter? What makes life worth living? The Bible says I made in God’s image, what does that even mean? Does it even matter? Does it impact who I am and how I live my life? Does it offer any hope? Join indoubt host Isaac Dagneau and Pastor/Author Michael Sherrard as they discuss… The post Ep. 263: Why You Matter appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 29 March 2021
In these days of a pandemic, marriage is under pressure as never before. Join daniel and Co-Director of Family Life Canada as they discuss the unique and difficult challenges faced in young marriages, but also a message of hope for those who find God at the center of their marriage. If you are a young… The post Ep. 262: Young Marriage Under Pressure appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 22 March 2021
In the global village we live in, for some, it is hard to imagine where one might be sent to share the gospel for the first time. Caleb and Raquel Enns are preparing to be sent to Thailand, and they share that there are 3.8 billion people who have not been exposed to the Good News… The post Ep. 261: Ready, Set, Go appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 15 March 2021
What does it look like to be called to Missions? Join Andrew and indoubt host Isaac Dagneau as they discuss Andrew's call to be a missionary in Japan. And, how has, and how does God continue to prepare Andrew and his wife Tanja for the work he has called for them to do?
29 minutes | Monday, 8 March 2021
Are you called to missions? This is an important question – one that (in many ways) demands our thought. The word “missions” has been used a lot lately, perhaps to the point of losing its true definition. What does it even mean? With us this week is Duane Frasier from Joshua Project – talking about what… The post Ep. 108: Are You Called to Missions? appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 1 March 2021
Have ever wondered how men and women from different nations of the earth have welcomed Jesus as their saviour? Join Dr. John and Isaac as they discuss the central mission of the church – The Great Commission. The post Ep. 259: The Missionary God appeared first on indoubt.
38 minutes | Monday, 22 February 2021
Self-control isn’t very popular these days. Every day, all day – buy this, eat that; do whatever you want. But, shouldn’t it be different for Christians? The post Ep. 212: Self-Control and Why It Changes Our Lives appeared first on indoubt.
35 minutes | Monday, 15 February 2021
On this week’s episode of indoubt, Anne Miranda, joins Isaac to explore what it means to lead or be a leader in a younger generation. The post Ep. 197: You’re Never too Young to Lead appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 8 February 2021
As we’re face-to-face with a worldwide pandemic, it’s now more than ever that we need to be turning to God and forming habits that help us to remain in Him. The post Ep. 222: Habits of Grace appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 1 February 2021
Andy Crouch is right to say that modern technology has created “easy everywhere.” Yes, modern technology has created many good and beautiful things in this life – we should participate in that! But on the other hand, modern technology can decrease “true human” development – primarily, increasing in wisdom and courage. The “easy everywhere” of… The post Ep. 111: Using Technology Wisely appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 25 January 2021
Would you consider yourself evangelistic? Honestly, not many would. In our extremely skeptical world where there’s an abundance of worldviews, trying to get someone to repent and believe in Jesus is a daunting task. With us this week to talk about evangelism in a skeptical world is Dr. Sam Chan. Not only does Sam help us… The post Ep. 134: Evangelism in a Skeptical World appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 18 January 2021
This week on indoubt we want to begin the New Year by encouraging you to read through the Bible in 2021. This daily discipline will transform your understanding and relationship with Jesus. Join Isaac and The Bible Projects, Tim Mackie. This week on the show we ask the question: why study the Bible? Tim has… The post Ep. 51: Why Study the Bible? appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 11 January 2021
Many questions arise when one considers the Bible. For example, “Why are there contradictions?” “If this is really the Word of God, why isn’t it clearer?” and “Why are we putting so much trust in these books when they’re not even the originals, but copies of copies of copies?” These are valid questions that many… The post Ep. 104: The Reliable Bible appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 4 January 2021
“How can God be good if there’s so much suffering in the world?” This is an age-old question that’s caused much conversation over the years – and we want to add to it. This week we will begin airing a mini 2-week series with Dr. Andreas Köstenberger. The purpose of these two weeks is to… The post Ep. 103: Does God Even Care? appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 28 December 2020
Let’s talk about 2020, what was it all about? What do we learn as God’s people, about ourselves, about the world, about culture? Are we in the end times? And how do we live in joy in 2021? The post Ep. 258: Facing a New Year appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 21 December 2020
It’s Christmas, which means people will (hopefully) be thinking about Jesus. What do the majority of Canadians (Christian or not) think about Jesus? What can we know about Jesus that’s not from the Bible? What’s so important about His death? Is it true that He really rose from the dead? These are some of the… The post Episode 101: Engaging the Historical Jesus appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 14 December 2020
Phil Callaway is a prolific author, speaker, and radio host of Back to the Bible Canada’s Laugh Again. Phil has a gift for storytelling and helping people rediscover the hope and joy that can be found in a daily walk with Jesus. Join Phil and indoubt host Daniel as they discuss the need for hope… The post Ep. 257: A Little Hope appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 7 December 2020
Activism. We live in a time when activism is at the forefront of what we see, hear and experienced almost every day through media. For many, we wonder if such activity is effective, does it serve a purpose, how should we as Christians involve ourselves, what is the appropriate action? Joining us this week is… The post Ep. 256: The Christian Activist appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 30 November 2020
Join Dr. John Neufeld, hosts Daniel Markin and Isaac Dagneau as they discuss what God is about doing and how we as Christians ought to be responding during this unique Christmas season. The post Ep. 255: A COVID Christmas appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 23 November 2020
Join Isaac and guest Joel Gordon as they share a candid conversation about the fundamental and biblical perspective of racism and how that relates to the society we currently live in. And more specifically, how does it relate to the significant issues that surround Indigenous peoples in Canada? The post Ep. 254: Racism and Reconciliation appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 16 November 2020
Spend time with Daniel and special guest Angie Velasquez Thornton as they discuss first hand their experience of online dating and how we as Christians ought to consider navigating this increasingly popular tool for dating. The post Ep. 253: Christian Online Dating appeared first on indoubt.
40 minutes | Monday, 9 November 2020
The film Cuties, award-winning, acclaimed, yet in the midst of striving to critique the culture we live in and the over-sexualization of children does the movie succeed or even further sexually exploit the children it’s striving to protect. This week we discuss Cuties and a culture of sexualization that we live in with indoubt host… The post Ep. 252: Cuties appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 2 November 2020
What does forgiveness really mean? What does it look like? How does it make me feel? Enter into a biblical discussion of freedom through forgiveness. Guest Andrea Thom suggests, “Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you forget what’s happened or excuse what’s happened, or say that it’s okay in any way, but you’re just making a choice… The post Ep. 251: Forgiveness, More Than a Feeling appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 26 October 2020
Daniel shares a conversation with award-winning recording artist and worship pastor Andrew Marcus. An insightful conversation around Worship, COVID-19 and the implications upon the Church. Also, hear Andrew’s new song “Abide in Me”! The post Ep. 250: Inside Worship with Andrew Marcus appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 19 October 2020
Isaac, Daniel and guest Care Baldwin enter into a discussion about current events, how do we as the church as individual Christians work through the reality of a worldwide pandemic? And then, how do we as God’s people respond to the rights, freedoms and value of all people? The post Ep. 249: Shifting Culture appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 12 October 2020
Andrea Thom, author, theologian, mom and so much more, talks with host Isaac Dagneau about the reliability of the Bible. It is a book to be trusted, it is God’s Book, and we are left with the question, “If we don’t engage in God’s Word, can we truly engage God?” The post Ep. 248: The Reliable Word appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 5 October 2020
Isaac, Daniel and guest Care Baldwin enter into a discussion about current events, how do we as the church as individual Christians work through the reality of a worldwide pandemic? And then, how do we as God’s people respond to the rights, freedoms and value of all people? The post Ep. 247: Fearless Not Foolish appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 28 September 2020
Join indoubt host Daniel Markin as he continues his conversation with Erin Ford about her experience of forgiveness and what she refers to as the 3 truths of forgiveness. This just may be the transformational conversation you need to hear to experience new freedom in your own life. Check out indoubt each week as the… The post Ep. 246: The Transformational Power of Forgiveness appeared first on indoubt.
29 minutes | Monday, 21 September 2020
Abuse is much more the norm than we might ever hope to imagine, and it takes on so many different forms. How would I know I’m in an abusive relationship? How do I navigate what has taken place? How do I move forward, even forgive? Erin Ford from Power to Change joins indoubt host Daniel… The post Ep. 245: How I Forgave My Abuser appeared first on indoubt.
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Ep. 264: Focusing on Jesus in a Distracted World
In Doubt

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