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Upholding the Truth: The Story of a Local Church

24 minutes | Tuesday, 18 February 2025

In 1 Timothy, Paul instructs Timothy on how the church should conduct itself in the face of false teachings, leadership challenges, and cultural pressures. In today’s message, Dr. John explores the significance of the local church—using Ephesus as a powerful example—and why its health is crucial for proclaiming the truth of Christ. If the church is strong, the gospel shines; if it falters, darkness prevails.Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.

Upholding the Truth: The Story of a Local Church
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