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Psalms of Refuge: Will God Hear My Prayer?


24 minutes | Wednesday, 7 August 2024
What assurance do we have that God hears our prayers? In Psalm 5, David asks God to hear his groaning and cries. The king was confident that God listens to the repentant, humble heart, which relies upon God's steadfast love. David was not disappointed. Psalms of Refuge: Psalms of Refuge is a ten-message series focused on ten Psalms which have been described as songs of worship. In the chapters we discover songs describing the importance of the law of the Lord in the life of the believer, a celebration of the promise of the ultimate victor of the Messiah, Psalms of triumph, security, joy, co...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 6 August 2024
There are nights when sleep escapes you. Your mind races and your body finds no rest. The events of the day have ruined your night. Listen as Dr. John speaks of Psalm 4 and the secret to a peaceful night. The defence and nearness of God allows us to be at rest.Psalms of Refuge: Psalms of Refuge is a ten-message series focused on ten Psalms which have been described as songs of worship. In the chapters we discover songs describing the importance of the law of the Lord in the life of the believer, a celebration of the promise of the ultimate victor of the Messiah, Psalms of triumph, security,...
24 minutes | Monday, 5 August 2024
There are days that you dread. You may be facing difficult choices, hard circumstances or pressure from people around you. How will you get through the day? Psalm 3 is a morning prayer of King David facing extreme difficulties. Dr. John reminds us that regardless of what we face, beginning the day with God as our refuge offers us hope. Psalms of Refuge: Psalms of Refuge is a ten-message series focused on ten Psalms which have been described as songs of worship. In the chapters we discover songs describing the importance of the law of the Lord in the life of the believer, a celebration of th...
24 minutes | Friday, 2 August 2024
Will there be singing in heaven? Of course! And it will be the best song!  It will be a new song, a song from an angelic choir and echoed by the voices of creation. It will be the lyric of history - "The Lamb has triumphed!" It is the song of the Redeemed which we can begin to sing even now. The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book is an unveiling of Jesus Christ. It is a portrait of who Jesus is, but also what Jesus wants to say to His Church in ever...
24 minutes | Thursday, 1 August 2024
We think of heaven as being free from pain. Our tears are wiped away and there is no more suffering. But in all this bliss, there remains an eternal reminder of death. Jesus, described as the Lion of Judah, is seen as a slaughtered Lamb standing before God's throne. The sacrifice of Jesus will be an everlasting memory and a cause for unceasing praise. The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book is an unveiling of Jesus Christ. It is a portrait of who Jes...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 31 July 2024
It is human to seek meaning. In the events and incidents of our lives, we ask, "Why?" We instinctively think of life as having direction and purpose. When John saw the scroll of history remaining closed, he wept loudly. Surely there should be someone who can open the scroll and give us hope! There is. Jesus alone is worthy by His life, death and victorious resurrection. Jesus will bring history to the Father's appointed end.The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too l...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 30 July 2024
The Book of Revelation is fundamentally a book of worship. While it points forward to the victorious purposes of God, it points upwards to the exalted position of God and the response of heaven to Him. In chapter four, we witness strange and wonderful creatures proclaiming: God is worthy, God is holy, God is timeless, God is the source and end of all things. Worship is the language of heaven and earth.The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book is an unv...
24 minutes | Monday, 29 July 2024
If we refer to someone as being downcast, it speaks of their mood and perspective. In a spirit of discouragement, their eyes are focused on what is around them. John wrote to seven churches of what was around them - some of it hopeful, some of it challenging. But now in Revelation 4 and 5, John writes of what is above. Colours and sounds. Angels and Elders. The Throne of God and His glory. There is wonder and power in the plans of God. Just look up.The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are...
24 minutes | Friday, 26 July 2024
Every church faces the danger of "institutionalization." It's a long word to describe a church that begins to function simply to exist for their own ends. Keeping the doors open matters more than the calling and purposes of God. Laodicea was deluded into thinking that their status and actions made them rich. God saw them as useless for His Kingdom. Their pretence could only be broken by repentance. Jesus is knocking at the door. The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights ...
24 minutes | Thursday, 25 July 2024
We think of a "door of opportunity" as something that swings open for our response, but be quick! The door may close. Jesus has a different message for the church of Philadelphia. Jesus opens a door that no one can shut. God had placed before the congregation a calling that, while it held challenges, they can trust their Lord as they walk through this open door. The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book is an unveiling of Jesus Christ. It is a portrait...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 24 July 2024
In these letters to the seven churches, Jesus usually has something positive to say, except for Sardis. To this congregation, Jesus offers no commendation. Jesus does not name any specific sin but declares them to be dead. What made them "lifeless?" Listen as Dr. John explains what was missing. The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book is an unveiling of Jesus Christ. It is a portrait of who Jesus is, but also what Jesus wants to say to His Church in e...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 23 July 2024
We can be complicit in sin, not because we commit it, but because we tolerate it. Jesus speaks to the church in Thyatira in which a woman who claims to speak for God advocates for immoral truth and practices. While Jesus notes the things that are commendable within the congregation, their passivity about this false prophet was not. We are reminded that within the church, tolerance of false teaching and practice holds the whole accountable for the few.  The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we...
24 minutes | Monday, 22 July 2024
Our society is saturated with sexual themes and expressions. The commands of God are ignored, and immoral practices are flaunted. None of this is new.  John writes the words of Jesus to His church in Pergamum, a congregation surrounded by sexual immorality. Today Dr. John explains the context of these believers and highlights the commands of Jesus for them. What are we to do today in our society? The commands of Jesus still ring true. The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our s...
24 minutes | Friday, 19 July 2024
While Jesus did not offer any criticism of the congregation of Smyrna, that didn't mean that His message was easy to hear. They were a church under severe Roman pressure and Jesus said that their suffering was about to increase. The notion that doing what is right makes us immune to tribulation is not the message of Christ. But Jesus is faithful to His Church amid suffering. The One who has suffered and won stands with us in our need.  The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our ...
24 minutes | Thursday, 18 July 2024
What would Jesus say to your church? Revelation demonstrates that Jesus has insight of and a message for each congregation. Jesus will affirm what is worthy, correct what is wrong, and holds a promise for each. Today we hear Jesus call a church back to its first love. Jesus insists that His Church be known by their love. The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book is an unveiling of Jesus Christ. It is a portrait of who Jesus is, but also what Jesus want...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 17 July 2024
John is the last living apostle of Jesus who writes to the Church in a time of severe pressure. What is the first thing he writes? A vision of Jesus, as He is. The description strips away our Sunday School images of Him. While the imagery is overwhelming, the presence of Jesus is our hope. He stands in the midst of His Church - at all times. The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book is an unveiling of Jesus Christ. It is a portrait of who Jesus is, but...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 16 July 2024
Many find the book of Revelation difficult to understand. There are so many confusing symbols and mysterious descriptions. But the blessing of this book is not in deciphering the details. This book unveils Jesus for us! We catch sight of who He is and what He will do. That is the promised blessing! Listen today as Dr. John speaks of three titles that fit only Jesus and of three graces He extends to you today. The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book i...
24 minutes | Monday, 15 July 2024
In this introduction of the Book of Revelation, we will find that the word "soon" is elastic. We can shrink it to the nearness of lunch, or expand it to stretch over 2000 years. "Soon" is not intended to offer us a timetable. It is intended to offer us confidence in our day - His victorious return is certain!The Triumph of the Lamb: Vol 1: It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book is an unveiling of Jesus Christ. It is a portrait of who Jesus is, but also what Jesus wants to say to H...
24 minutes | Friday, 12 July 2024
Only the naive think of freedom as being free of laws and rules. There is no such thing - not at home or work, civil society or driving! Laws do not suppress freedom, but give it rails to run on. Today Dr. John teaches on the three reasons why God gave Israel the Law. May we see in that reflection the same intent of God for each one of us. Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and place, perhaps with deeper devotion. Deuteronomy is a renewal of God's covenant with Israe...
24 minutes | Thursday, 11 July 2024
Christians tend to take for granted the theology of monotheism - there is only one God and He is Jehovah. We've lost the radical impact such a claim has in a polytheistic world. There are not various gods ruling different aspects of life. There is no co-dependency between God and creation. God does not compete with other gods for our worship. God is One and there is One God. Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and place, perhaps with deeper devotion. Deuteronomy is a ...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 10 July 2024
Our society exalts celebrities, chases after financial gain, applauds comfort and luxury, and focuses on the latest trends and entertainment. Idolatry abounds around us. Today we hear Moses point to the consequences of an idolatrous people. As Dr. John points out, every Christian in an idolatrous society must flee anything that takes the place of our God in our hearts. Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and place, perhaps with deeper devotion. Deuteronomy is a renewa...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 9 July 2024
Idolatry is the practice of creating a shape or form of God for worship; but God has no form. Idolatry is also the exaltation of any created thing above God. God is always to be first in our hearts. While our culture may not get carried away with the first understanding of idolatry, we certainly do with the second. Listen as Dr. John points us to the dangers of our own idolatry.Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and place, perhaps with deeper devotion. Deuteronomy is...
24 minutes | Monday, 8 July 2024
While attempting to be current and relevant to the times, it is possible for believers to forget what has been. Looking forward, they neglect what God has done. On the threshold of the promised land, Moses calls Israel to remember the works and words of God. They were to recall the foundation on which they stood and pass it on to their children. Good counsel for us all. Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and place, perhaps with deeper devotion. Deuteronomy is a renew...
24 minutes | Friday, 5 July 2024
Knowing that Israel will enter the promised land without him, what does Moses say to them? Dr. John preaches on the final emphasis of Moses' sermon addressed to Israel on the doorstep of their homeland. The heart of Moses' message was obedience. Israel is cautioned to be faithful to God's commands, recognize the results of disobedience and consider the rewards of following God's direction. It is a caution that still stands for us today. Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new ...
24 minutes | Thursday, 4 July 2024
God can say "No!" It is not an answer we embrace easily, but we would be mistaken to think that God must always concede to our requests. Moses wanted to enter the promised land, but God denied it. He would not be allowed to enter the very inheritance He had spent his life leading Israel towards. Listen as Dr. John explains God's answer. Note that even in God's refusal, there is grace.Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and place, perhaps with deeper devotion. Deuteron...
24 minutes | Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Major projects and journeys often need to be adjusted along the way. That doesn't mean the original plans were wrong. It does mean that wisdom responds to the necessary changes of life. Dr. John speaks of the shift from Moses allowing some of the tribes to make their home on the east side of the Jordan. What didn't change was the commitment and integrity of the nations' solidarity. Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and place, perhaps with deeper devotion. Deuteronom...
24 minutes | Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Many will remember their first purchase of property or a home. It was with a sense of delight and even pride that you walked into your house or surveyed your boundaries. As Israel was about to enter their first homeland, God warned them about pride and stewardship. They were to remember that God gave them their home and this land came with responsibilities. The same is true for us.Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and place, perhaps with deeper devotion. Deuteronomy...
24 minutes | Monday, 1 July 2024
It's not possible to read Deuteronomy and ignore the question of war. Israel was commanded to wipe out entire cities and nations. We ask, "How could a loving God allow, even command, the death of men, women and children?" It is this inescapable question that Dr. John addresses in today's message. Listen as we hear the themes of justice and mercy played out through the agency of Israel. Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and place, perhaps with deeper devotion. Deuter...
24 minutes | Friday, 28 June 2024
We refer to the land Israel was to possess as the "land of promise." It was not the "land of the conquered" or the "land of the defeated." It is territory that is given to Israel by the covenantal grace of God. It's true that Israel would have to fight for it - but ultimately it is given by God; God who rules over every nation and territory. God alone raises nations and brings them low. Israel could not boast of military might or skill. Every nation must acknowledge God, who is King over all. Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejectio...
24 minutes | Thursday, 27 June 2024
It's common when we make a journey to plan the details by our own wishes. We map the route and choose the hotels. Today Dr. John reminds us that while Israel journeyed for 40 years in the wilderness, they were still led by the will of God. Despite their rebellion, He graced with His guidance. They continually faced the choice, "God's way or our way." The lessons of faith and submission were always before them. Just like us. Renewing the Covenant: A married couple may renew their wedding vows. The renewal is not a rejection of the first vows, but a refreshed commitment in a new time and plac...
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Psalms of Refuge: Will God Hear My Prayer?
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